Abnur Arkannon Character in Xelestar | World Anvil
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Abnur Arkannon

A human man credited with discovering Arcane Magick when he tripped on a rock sent to Xelestar from The Feywilds that drove him irrevocably mad in an instant, but allowed him to see the hidden Runes that drove the primeval forces of nature that he could begin to manipulate into spellcraft.
  Before this discovery, magick in all forms was restricted solely to those who had an innate connection to it or otherwise devoted their life in service to the Gods, such as Elvari or Clerics.
  At the time of his death, Abnur Arkannon was emaciated and his skin had grown pale to about the complexion of sand apart from a smattering of freckles and liver spots. This is a spoiler for the campaign titled "Antimyth". If you are a member of this campaign, do not click this spoiler tag.
Abnur Arkannon is also secretly the biological father of King Ioji Hyoga


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