The Frontier Wars Military Conflict in Worlds of Gods Hub | World Anvil

The Frontier Wars

The Kelestian Frist Contact War. 1978-1986.
  • The Kelestian Frist Contact War, was a series of battles fought between Kelestia  and Yrvl. The Yrvl attempted to remove the foothold Kelestia had established in Heart Valley during the early years of the Frontier Project, but the Kelestian Armed Forces proved to be to strong. The Yrvl and Kelestians would eventually make peace and become eventual trade partners.
  • + It was during this war that Alexander Tuem would complete his resurrection. Seeing the Kelestian military still in service to the Macian Court, instantly refocused Alexander on his mission of vengeance.
The Outlander War. 2003-2012.
  • The Outlander War, was a series of battles fought between Kelestia and the Great Raider Clans. As the Kelestian Frontier grew and expanded it wasn't long before they caught the attention of the Great Raider Clans and their Outlander Legion. Phyra was well aware of the Outlander Legion, as they were the ones who caused the destruction of the Outworld Frontier. In one of the rare miss-steps from Phyra, she would launch a preemptive strike against the Outlander Legion with the help of the Yrvl attacking from the south. This war would drag on for nearly a decade never finding the popular support Phyra had hoped for. She would broker peace with the Great Raider Clans securing the lands they had gained during the war due to the Legion's unconditional surrender.
The Kelestian Civil War. 2020-2024.
  • The Kelestian Civil War, was a series of battles that saw the Kelestians Patriots against the Great Raider Clans and Valor. Alexander used his hidden influence on the Clans to command the now professionally trained and supplied Outlander Legion in guerilla attacks against the Frontier, Kelestian Operators, and members of the Kelestian Military. Alexander also used Valor inside of Kelestia as a way to spread misinformation, sew discord, and erode the faith in the Macian Court. His most loyal members of Valor would even carry out acts of vandalism and terrorism inside the country. He would push the two sides into conflict against each other while using the chaos to mask his true motives, the total elimination of the Macian Court to free Kelestia from it and all Divine tyranny.


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