The God-Queen of Zygaria Character in World of Weirth | World Anvil
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The God-Queen of Zygaria

The Empire of Zygaria is as old as the world. Survivors of the Cataclysm, especially the sunken land of Telantis, banded together under the leadership of a mighty magic user. Using the powers that remained to her, she was able to hold the people together in the face of the horrors from beyond the Outerdark and the Belowdark. Many demons and other supernatural entities were captured and bound into the service of this fledgling nation, becoming the driving force of its power and expansion (magic itself is an unnatural force from the Outerdark, and it wants to be used). Over the centuries the Realm became a Kingdom and, as it absorbed the neighboring rival nations, an Empire.   In the fertile riverlands between the jungles of the south and the desert highlands to the north, the Empire of Zygaria ruled from sea to sea.   In the year 453 (Common Year) the Empress Kallistrate of Okeanos ascended to the Throne of the Crystal Lotus at the end of a bitter internecine struggle for succession when the previous Empress died in a magical catastrophe. Consolidating her power, Kallistrate purged the nobility of the traitors and conspirators. In the far-flung reaches of the empire she stripped away hereditary lands of the Dukes, giving the lands and power to the Counts, rulers of smaller domains who would likely be less inclined to band together and resist.   After the political challenges were conquered, Kallistrate turned to the Church of the Seven Rings and proclaimed herself High Priestess. The old order of church officers and its chain of command were swept away, in favor of a new structure of the Exalted who had followed her in pacifying the outer provinces.   These warriors of the faith discovered many terrible secrets that had been hidden away by the old order, secrets that should have never again seen the light of day. Using these texts, the power of many re-discovered bound demons, and the blood of those who defied her, Kallistrate was able to complete the greatest of magics and achieve the state of the Undying. Now calling herself Eutropia the Everlasting, she is worshipped as a god by the people of Zygaria.   She rules the Imperial capital and nearby surrounding lands with an iron fist. She has recently been calling in the Counts to attend her at court, to take terrible oaths of loyalty in return for unknown powers. Slowly the power and influence of the Outerdark once more establishes its presence in the World of Weirth.
Current Location
approximately 150 years
Black, utterly black, with no visible iris
Long and straggly, a yellowed platinum color
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A dark charcoal color, like that of the for rulers of Weirth, the Alfen
5" 10"
140 pounds

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