The Elemental Conflux Military Conflict in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

The Elemental Conflux

The Conflict


The Elemental Conflux erupted as an unforeseen consequence of the rivalry between the draconic factions of the world of stendaaris. The four draconic factions are Everflow Void legion, Chromatic Titan Teragons, Metalic Council, and guardians of light. These are the primordial dragons, chromatic dragons, metalic dragons and gem dragons respectively. The Chromatic Titan Terragons, driven by their malevolent tendencies, sought to subjugate all dragon kind and rule with tyrany over the world of stendaaris. Their ambitions drew the ire of the Everflow Void Legion, who saw this as a threat to their own dominance and ambitions to mege the elemental planes with the material plane to gain ultimate power. The Metallic council and guardians of light didn't like either of these plans but did join the side of the more reasoning of the two evil plots. They joined in a soft alliance with the Everflow Void Legion.


The Everflow void Legion, Metallic Council & Guardians of light deployed their most powerful dragons along with the everflow void legion's relentless armies upon lairs locations of the Chromatic Titan Terragons. On the other side, the Chromatic Titan Terragons rallied their own formidable forces, including their leaders: Jymre, The Heart Eater; Nadra, The Sapphire Death; Roariarth, The Mammoth Poacher; Ruko, The Jealous One; and Tedi, The Stone Killer.


The Elemental Conflux shook the entire world of stendaris, with battles raging across its varied landscapes - from scorching deserts to treacherous mountains, lush forests, and turbulent seas.


The Elemental Conflux witnessed powerful elemental forces colliding, causing extreme weather patterns, earthquakes, and elemental disruptions. The skies were shrouded in chaotic storms, and the earth itself trembled under the weight of these mighty beings.

The Engagement

The conflict was fierce, with the Everflow Void Legion displaying unmatched elemental power. The Chromatic Titan Terragons, although formidable, faced an uphill battle against the Primordial Dragons and the Everflow Void Legion's relentless legions.


Despite their tenacity, the Chromatic Titan Terragons suffered devastating defeats at the hands of the Everflow Void Legion. The Primordial Dragons' elemental prowess proved overwhelming, forcing the Chromatic Titan Terragons to retreat and go into deep hibernative sleep for ages.


Realizing the grave threat possed by the Everflow Void Legion, the Metallic Council and the Guardians of Light joined forces to oppose their former ally and their legions. Seeing the balance of power shifting, the Metallic Council and the guardians of light successfully intervended, They placed seals on the lairs of the Chromatic Titan Terragons leaders and then turned on the Everflow Void Legion, eventually banishing them to the elemental planes.

Historical Significance

The Elemental Conflux became a significant historical event, documented in ancient tomes, chronicles, and sagas. It inspired a new era of magical research and the study of the elemental planes, leading to advancements in elemental-based technologies and the understanding of the delicate balance that governed the world's elemental forces.


The Elemental Conflux left an indelible mark on the world of stendaaris shaping its history and prompting the dragon factions to rethink their ambitions and allegiances. The primordial dragons were all eradicated from the material plain and legends and stories eventually disappeared about the everflow void legion. The sealing of the chromatic titan terragons gave rise to legends, prophecies, and tales of the epic battle, serving as a reminder of the consequences of wielding immense power.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
25 years after the World of Stendaaris was born (Year 25)
Ending Date
5 years after the start of the conflict (Year 30)


  • Stendaaris



Led by the powerful metallic dragons and their armies.


Moderate, as they bore the brunt of the conflict but held strong. This is also why there are very few metallic dragons remaining on the world of stendaaris.


To safeguard the world from the malevolent ambitions without being involved heavily with political influences of none draconic races.


Led by the wise gem dragons and their armies.


Moderate, as they fought fiercely to protect the world. This is also why there are only five known remaining gem dragons in the world of stendaaris after the conflict.


To maintain the balance of draconic kind, opposing those who seek to plunge the world into chaos.


Powerful and determined forces led by mighty dragons


Severe, as they faced overwhelming odds. Ultimately got sealed away and placed in a magical slumber withing their lairs.


To subjegate all dragon kind and rule the world of stendaaris with tyranny.


Unmatched elemental power and relentless armies.


Moderate amount of their legions as they were difficult to defeat outright. Their leaders all survived but were banished to the elemental planes.


To merge the elemental planes with the material plane, gaining ultimate power and control.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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