Shadowfang Species in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil


Shadowfang is a fearsome predator that roams the depths of an ancient and isolated swamp, far away from any populated areas. It is a large, sleek black panther with piercing yellow eyes and razor-sharp fangs. Its coat is thick and almost seems to absorb light, allowing it to blend seamlessly into the shadows of the dense vegetation and murky waters.   This elusive creature has made its home in the heart of the swamp, away from the prying eyes of civilization. Its territory is a labyrinth of twisting vines, tangled undergrowth, and dark caverns, making it virtually impossible for intruders to navigate without falling prey to its predatory instincts.   Shadowfang is a solitary hunter, and its mysterious presence has led the locals to attribute it with supernatural powers. Legends speak of its ability to vanish into thin air and haunt the dreams of those who dare to encroach upon its domain. The stories have spread among the inhabitants of nearby settlements, instilling both fear and fascination for this elusive and powerful creature.   Despite its formidable nature, Shadowfang remains an integral part of the swamp's delicate ecosystem. It preys upon the overpopulated creatures that disrupt the natural balance and helps to maintain the harmony of the wilderness it calls home.   Few have ever caught more than a fleeting glimpse of Shadowfang, and those who have survived to tell the tale are regarded with both awe and skepticism. It has become a symbol of the untamed and mysterious nature of the unexplored wilderness, a guardian of the secrets hidden within the depths of the ancient swamp.

Basic Information


Shadowfang is a large and muscular panther with a sleek black coat. It has piercing yellow eyes that can see clearly in low light conditions. Its fangs are razor-sharp, allowing it to deliver lethal bites to its prey.

Biological Traits

Shadowfang has retractable claws that aid in climbing and hunting. Its fur is waterproof, allowing it to move silently through the water without making a splash.

Genetics and Reproduction

Shadowfang reproduces through a typical mammalian reproductive process. It gives birth to a litter of one to three cubs in a hidden den within its territory.

Growth Rate & Stages

Shadowfang cubs are born blind and helpless. They rely on their mother's care and protection for several months before they become independent hunters.

Ecology and Habitats

Shadowfang inhabits dense, remote swamps far from human settlements. It prefers the cover of the shadows and tangled undergrowth, making it challenging to spot even for experienced trackers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Shadowfang is a carnivorous predator, feeding on a variety of swamp-dwelling creatures, including polypines, small mammals, and birds. It relies on stealth and surprise to catch its prey.

Biological Cycle

Shadowfang is primarily active during the night, using the cover of darkness to hunt its prey. During the day, it retreats to its hidden den or finds a secluded spot to rest and conserve energy.


Shadowfang is a solitary and territorial creature, fiercely defending its hunting grounds from intruders. It is highly intelligent, using strategy and patience in its hunting tactics.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Shadowfang is a solitary hunter and does not form social groups.


Shadowfang cannot be domesticated due to its wild and independent nature.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Shadowfang's fur and other body parts have no known uses, as it is a protected and elusive species in its natural habitat. However, its reputation as a fearsome predator adds to the mystique of the swamps it inhabits.

Facial characteristics

Shadowfang's face is distinguished by its piercing yellow eyes, sharp fangs, and prominent whiskers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Shadowfangs are found exclusively in remote and isolated swamps with dense vegetation, away from populated areas.

Average Intelligence

Shadowfang exhibits a higher level of intelligence for an animal, capable of complex problem-solving and learning from experience.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Shadowfang has exceptional night vision, allowing it to see perfectly in complete darkness. It can also detect the slightest movements and vibrations in the swamp, making it an adept hunter.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Shadowfang does not have any known symbiotic or parasitic relationships.
Shadowfang's lifespan is typically around 15 to 20 years in the wild.
Average Height
Shadowfang stands at an average shoulder height of about 2.5 to 3 feet.
Average Weight
Shadowfang's weight ranges from 150 to 200 pounds.
Average Length
Shadowfang's body length, excluding the tail, is around 4 to 5 feet, and the tail adds an additional 3 to 4 feet.
Average Physique
Shadowfang is built for stealth and agility, with a sleek and muscular body.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Shadowfang's coat is uniformly black, providing excellent camouflage in the darkness of the swamp.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


Author's Notes

Last year I wrote about the Polypine that was created by my family at dinner. However, I also thought up the preditor to that creature. The Shadowfang.

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Jul 20, 2023 20:55

Great creature! I wonder how does a solitary and territorial creature who shuns social groups find a mateā€¦? That must be quite a chore! Keep up the great work. Happy Summer Camp!

Nominated for Best Newcomer of 2023!   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Aug 8, 2023 18:44 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Hi there! I thought this article was pretty cool, so I featured it in my 2023 Reading Challenge Article! I hope you don't mind. :) <3 If you do, let me know and I'll take it down no problem. Thanks again!  

Summer Camp Reading 2023
Generic article | Aug 19, 2023

Progress, traveling, fun, shenanigans, the Community Sponsor judging prize, and wayyy too many cool articles by beautiful beans...

Aug 28, 2023 00:33 by DM SIr Swank99

Cool thank you for that.