Funeral Service Tradition / Ritual in World of Stendaaris | World Anvil

Funeral Service

Funeral Service

Funeral service is the spiritual event that occurs in almost every culture in the World of Stendaaris. Some have speical rituals, or requirements of their special day but overall it is about the transition of life to death and the imortilization of ones spirit with in those that had a connection to the one that passed away.   There are some rituals that involve shell cutting to make necklasses. There are fire pillers with grand celbrations. There are faternal organizational rituals or dedications. A funeral service is something that is custom to the culture and individual. It is hard to determine an exact details. The wholesome part of all funerals is you will always be remembered and never forgotten.  

Author's Inspiration & Dedication

The ritual of a funeral has been on my mind alot this summer camp. On July 2nd, my father went into the hospital and basically had four cardiac events while in the hospital and ended up passing away on July 7th. This prompt couldn't be any better for what I am experiencing. The funeral is the transistion of ones life to that of the spiritaul world of whatever one believes. Pending on your faith or not there is something that will happen to a person after they pass. The event of a funeral is that of rembmerance of ones life not ones belive in a speical religion or not.   On my fathers death bed he told my step-sister and I that he wants to have a Masonic Funeral. I asked him if he also wanted to have the Red Fez lecture and he agreed. Then he wanted to move on to the traditional funeral services. Getting this information from my father was disheartening but I agreed. Knowing what he wants I knew who to ask if he was to pass. On the same day he told me everything about what he wanted my last words to him was I love you and in our prayers we forgot to say So mote it be after our prayers. It was my last joke and words to my father while he could still respond. If i would have known that I would have stayed with him longer.   Prior to these events with my father last summer my father and I planned my brothers Funeral. While in the funeral home with my father at the time I asked him would some of these things we are doing what you want as well. My father looked at me with a stern face and said, "Yes, I would like something very similar." Everyone has moments they fear death and it is traditionally something taboo to talk about. Why is that? In my personal experience I have learned its a way of remembering someone not getting rid of them. When my step-mother, step-sister and I went to the funeral home it was downpouring and as soon as I crossed the threshold of the entrance a loud crack of thunder echoed in the funeral home. I looked up and said yes father I am here to do what you asked. As we sat down with the funeral director I told him that we can use style of headstone similar to my brothers and we need the following added. My father wanted a Masonic square and compass, the Shriner's International symbol, and symbol of his work he served for 46 years. My step-sister found a poem that brought tears to my eyes. We picked some things and my step sister at the end was surprised of how efficient I was in moving our discussions. Its almost like I knew what I was doing. Should I be proud of that I don't know.   As I sit here thinking about the day my father passed the day before his funeral. I agreed to write the thank you for his funeral service. If my emotions allow me to this is what I want to say thank you about.   Thank you all! This is not a time to be saddened for my fathers passing. He wanted this to be a celebration of his life. He dedicated his life to the service of those in his community and family. This person you all know as a great friend, great family member, father, uncle, grandfather etc. To me he will always be my mountin, my hero, my go to, the one with all the answers, the one I idolize and the one I'm extremely proud of. My father is everything to me. I love him deeply, we have bonded over things, fought over things, and even crided over things, I have annoyed him, I have angered him but he has also done the same to me. However, no matter what happened to us i talked to him everyday. I know I can still talk to him more now than I ever could before. I love you father and thank you for all those that attened today and helped with my fathers service.

Cover image: Metallic Council Main Logo


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