Sekhay Character in World of Seven Seas | World Anvil


Sekhay is one half of The Senary pantheon's duo commonly referred to as The Lovers. The lovers are associated with Reisi, the world's smallest moon, and are widely considered the most mercurial of the deities. They represent almost all things tumultuous, emotional, or passionate. Sekhay is one of the pair of lovers. They are generally depicted as the half of the pair who is turned towards outward concerns, standing between their partner Shadi and the world. They are associated with both conflict and peace, death, luck, war, and trickery. The lovers also have some domain over the parts of the natural world which are considered most capricious or hardest to understand, such as storms and seas. The lovers are the pair most strongly associated with twilight, transitions, and the times in between.


Sekhay is depicted as an adult, usually one of middle age. There is no canon physical description for any of the deities of the Senary pantheon; artists often choose to match the physical descriptions of their own people, family, or audience. The exception is that they are always depicted with gold or yellow eyes, and with either halos or an aura of some sort. It is not uncommon to see Sekhay armored and with weapons, and wearing a circlet. The much less common depiction of Sekhay is as a thief. Sekhay is usually depicted wearing mostly black and gray, with hints of dark bold colors.


Sekhay is often the most serious or stern of the Senary deities, rivaled only by Nefere. They are intensely protective and known for both fierce passions and fierce temper. In the aspect of the Thief, or when interacting with those close to them, Sekhay can be playful and mischievous as well.

Worshippers, Clergy, and Temples

The Clergy
Clergy of Sekhay are required to come to service as children; they have strong beliefs that excellence in the martial arts that cannot be obtained unless you dedicate your entire life to it. They take clergy of all species, gender, race, etc. Among their ranks you will find clerics, paladins, regular priests, and mage-priests but all most prove a certain proficiency in the fighting arts.

Sekhaim live a life of discipline, as soldiers, bodyguards, and priests. They swear obedience to their orders for as long as they are able to meet the high standards of being fighting-fit according to the Sekhaim. Those who become ineligible for an active duty position (which can be from permanent physical injury, age, or battle-weariness) can serve as trainers or temple priests, or retire. Those who retire are offered pension or service jobs of other requirements (warriors don't do true 'retirement' well, after all but many are offered positions as advisors, tutors, or guests of honor with those they have served in the past. Most do not swear any vows of chastity, celibacy, or poverty, though some sects and orders take different vows.

In true warrior fashion, the hierarchy for the Sekhaim is very strict and militaristic, organizing the Sekhaim into units for their various specialties. Amongst themselves, even Sekhaim who share a rank will almost always defer to compatriots who have more experience.

Even the youngest, the Cadets, have their own ranks, as seen below. Sekhaim are considered Cadets until they are both adults (at least 20 years of age) and have proven themselves skilled to the requirements of the Sekhaim. In the rare case that a Cadet makes it to adulthood without washing out but is not allowed to undertake The Dreaming (or fails it), they are quickly snatched up into other armed forces or by lesser nobles and wealthy families as armsmasters.

The Guardian Branch, who act as bodyguards and sworn protectors of groups and individuals, are the least formal in ranks and titles, in part because they often operate in singles or pairs rather than military groups. They rank themselves as follows:

The main ranks of the Sekhaim, the Soldier Branch, use the following ranks:

Few worship at the temples of Sekhay who are not soldiers, sailors, or guards. Their temples are utilitarian and somber, existing to serve the purpose of catering to warriors whose gods simply don't require many fancy trappings, preferring an honest and steady devotion to a showy one. They are made of stone by preference, and dark-stained wood if stone is unavailable. Outside of the temple you will find that the compounds or surrounding establishments mostly resemble military barracks and training ground. Your average follower of the Senary might enter a Sekhaim temple only for funerals or pray for the success of their nation's armies and navies in a conflict.

The vestments of the Sekhaim are designed to be functional. An adult Sekhaim has a standard uniform of fine but sturdy quality; they wear pants and shirts with thigh-length jackets, sturdy boots, and armor according to their specialty. Cadets wear a light blue-gray, the Soldier Branch wears dark blue-gray, and the Guardian branch wears black. All Sekhaim are trained in funeral rites and other basic services, and carry a short stole to wear if called upon to perform such ceremonial services; it is one piece in the back and split in the front, and cadet gray and red in color. Those who have retired to temple service wear a robe or cassock of cadet gray and red over attire of their original service color to serve in the temple.

The main services the Sekhaim provide to their communities include protection and martial training, as well as funerals.

Orders and Sects
There are no acknowledged Orders and Sects of the Sekhaim outside of their two divisions. Instead, if those of special training or skills are fostered, they form a Cohort or House for their skill.

There are, however, rumors and whispers of a secret Cohort of Assassins, who are said to act in defense of all of the Senary, but most especially to act against those who have cheated or harmed the Shadim.

The Chosen
The vast majority of the Sekhaim are simply excellent warriors, going about their business with a lot of training and a small amount of divine help. But Clerics and Paladins are not uncommon; those who seem to have a more direct line of communication and aid from Sekhay.

The Favored
Sekhay favors worshippers who are soldiers, sailors, and oddly, thieves. It is not unheard of for particularly devout worshippers to be blessed or visited by Sekhay.

Common Myths & Stories

An illustration of a pair of humanoid deities; the representation of warrior Sekhay standing on the left and the representation of Shadi sitting playing an instrument on the right.
Sekhay & Shadi by devinsxdesigns


pronounced Seck-ay


The Senary


The Lovers (with Shadi)


The Guardian

Clergy Demonym(s)


Symbols and Sigils

Short weapon (usually a sword) crossed with a long weapon (usually a pike or staff) over a rendition of the Senary symbol.

Common Domains

Death, Tempest, Peace, Trickery, Twilight, War

Common Associations

Capricious parts of Nature (seas, storms, etc.)

Favored Colors

Dark Blue
Dark Gray

Favored Metals and Gemstones


Favored Professions


Cover image: Sekhay & Shadi by devinsxdesigns


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