Sarajikk Character in World of Seven Seas | World Anvil


Sarajikk is a deity of Vikkvasa, the primary religion of the Dracanis. Sarajikk is most commonly associated with Dimmen, craftsmen and traders, farmers, the day, growth, most aspects of nature, fertility, and the mountains. He is known also as the Earth-King.


Sarajikk is depicted as an adult male dracanis. There is some variation in the amount of draconic chararistics he is portrayed with, especially around the face, but he almost always has two sets of horns, wings, and a tail. As far as color, he is usually depicted in green or deep yellow-gold shades; he almost always has green eyes.


Sarajikk is the one of two romantic partners of Akkasarani, the leader of Vikkvasa. He is steady and warm, predictable and gentle. Much more than the other two he is seen as a parental figure, and is known as having quite a green thumb and a way with animals.

Worshippers, Clergy, and Temples

The Clergy
Almost all clergy serving the deities of Vikkvasa are dracanis, though it is not a requirement. All clergy are male or hermaphrodite; the role of the few female dracanis in their society is prohibitive towards the life devoted to the gods. Clergy are usually trained to the religious life from childhood by older clergy within their Khyimi. Amongst their ranks you will find clerics, paladins, regular priests, and mage-priests. An individual in the service is a Gaisem, and the collection of clergy are Gaisiem. Though an individual may have a particular affinity or attachment to one of the three deities, all serve all three deities.

The Gaisiem are full members of their Khyimi, taking on the same familiar responsibilities as all other members; their religious work is seen more as their occupation than a way of life. The tenets of Vikkvasa and thus the dogma of the Gaisiem revolve around pacifism, respect for all life, living in harmony, selflessness, diligence, bravery, and temperance.

There is generally no hierarchy amongst the Gaisiem in religious terms, though they will have a heirarchal place in their Khyimi. Seers, however, and those directly touched by the gods, are held in high esteem in their society.

There are no temples or dedicated places to gather the Gaisiem. A Khyimi will likely have a family shrine, and some large cities have community-maintained monuments or shrines to the gods, but worship is family or community based and the clergy live in the family units.

The Gaisiem on a daily basis wear the same clothing as the rest of their people, with generally an addition of an amulet or other holy symbol worn as well. On holidays, holy days, or festival days, they will don festival clothes which usually consist of bones sewn onto leather garments, a skull headdress of some particular creature that means something to that individual, and then on top of it all their family will bedeck them in flower garlands (when flowers are in season) or garland made from coniferous trees and berries (when flowers aren't in season).

The services the Gaisiem provide are mainly pastoral, as well as often serving as a direct line of communication with the gods. They preside over festivals and holidays, as well as celebrations such as unions, funerals, and comings-of-ages.

Orders and Sects
There are no orders or sects within Vikkvasa.

The Chosen
Most Gaisem have some sort of personal relationship with one or more of the three Vikkvasian deities.

The Favored
Sarajikk favors those in particular who have inclinations towards creating and trading, farming, miners, trappers, and caregivers.

Common Myths & Stories


pronounced sah-rah-jheeKK





Clergy Demonym(s)


Symbols and Sigils

A mountain, it's crest partially obscurring a sun with 12 rays.

Common Domains

Death, Forge, Grave, Nature, Peace

Common Associations

Dimmen (Moon)
Craftsmen and Traders
The Day
Most Aspects of Nature
The Mountains.

Favored Colors

Deep Golden Yellows

Favored Metals and Gemstones

Silver and Gold
Jasper, Agate, Jade


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