Liril Character in World of Seven Seas | World Anvil


Liril is the goddess revered by the Tribespeople of United Tribes of Mare'n. Unlike the deities of some of the world's other major religions, she is known for being pretty involved in the lives of both her people and her clergy.


Liril is generally seen as an 'ageless' lady, though in rare circumstances has appeared as a young person, an old crone, or even an agender individual. In physical apperance she generally resembles most of her people: black hair, darkly tanned skin, and a muscular build. She is said to have dark eyes when she appears to her people in visions and dreams, but if she makes an appearance on the plain of the living, her eyes reflect whatever is currently in the sky.


Liril has the aspect of being everyone's big sister, or favorite aunt. She is a guide and a help to her people rather than a dictator in most matters. However, she has a fierce temper. When it comes to the few things which the Tribespeople hold to be sacred and most important, as well as the upholding of vows her people take, she is quite firm and the consequences of crossing her can be serious. Most of the time, however, she is a solemn advisor and guide when needed and a friendly or even mischievous face when she can be.

Worshippers, Clergy, and Temples

The Clergy
Those who serve Liril amongst the Tribes are generally referred to as Starguides, or just Guides. They are usually clerics, paladins, or monks; individuals with a personal connection of some sort to the goddess. It is incredibly rare (and discouraged) for a tribesperson to choose a life as a Guide without such a connection. Starguides serve Liril and their tribes for life, and begin training usually as children.

The followers of Liril do not practice their faiths in temples or established places of worship. What holy symbols, relics, or trappings of worship that they have are kept in the Starguide's tent or home, or are personal to each Tribesperson.

Common Myths & Stories


pronounced lear-il


Way of the Stars


Lady of the Sun

Clergy Demonyms


Follower Demonyms


Symbols and Sigils

The Sun, in its function is the brightest Star
All three Moons, as reflections of the Sun at night
Alibinistic and Melanistic Animals


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