Mountain Elves Ethnicity in World of Latiss | World Anvil
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Mountain Elves

Unlike the other varieties of elves, mountain elves prefer to live at high elevations, often where there is little to no vegetation to be found. They live more nomadic lifestyles than most of their plain and forest-dwelling cousins, and their primary food source is meat rather than plant-life. Some tribes of stone elves even live within mountain caves, similarly to dwarves, although they will very rarely share the same living space with them.   Another trait that separates them from other elf varieties is their heavy trade with the harpy colonies that may occasionally nest near their camps. Feathers are an especially popular trade commodity, due to their versatility in mountain elf lifestyles.


Major language groups and dialects

Mountain elves are known for speaking what other elves would call "Shattered Elvish". Dialects will vary between tribes, and even more wildly between tribes living on different mountains. One key unifying aspect between these dialects is the adoption of Orcish and Avixis words, phrases, and punctuative sounds into their vocabulary. This has allowed them to more easily communicate with neighbouring groups, although most other elves will have difficulty parsing out an individual's exact meaning without spending some time around the tribe.

Common Etiquette rules

Open display of emotions through facial expressions, as well as laughter or crying are considered something to be shared only with close friends and family. Among acquaintances and strangers, one expresses how they feel through body language and intonation. It is actually considered rude to be overt about one's feelings when among unrelated elders and anyone who is not a close friend or sibling, as it implies either dismissal of the stranger's presence or a disrespectful display of unearned casual ease with the person.


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