Knight Watch
The Kiniswell City guard don't patrol the River Quarter, and they patrol only the noble districts at night. The River Quarter is where the poorest citizens of the city live, and it's where the most crime happens. In order to help the people feel safe in their own homes again, members of the city guard and concerned parents came together to form the volunteer Knight Watch. With minimal funding from the City Guilds Council, the group can only afford light armour and weapons for the group's members, but they manage to get by. The reward's all in the satisfaction of knowing their homes are just a little bit safer.
Despite the name, none of the group's members are knights in any official capacity. Rather, the name was chosen due to the high frequency of complaints the folk (mostly women) of the River Quarter would have about being harassed by passing knights, which was one of the leading factors in the group forming. To officials, the name is just a play on words, to keep complaints from the nobility to a minimum.
Because many of the group's members are parents, a big focus of the group is to keep the children out of trouble with the law, to help them find a place to stay if they have none, and generally lead them in a direction away from the criminal life.
Patrols for this group begin at dusk, or after the workday has ended. The members will rotate schedules, to allow those with families to be at home with them as much as possible. Membership fluctuates, and watchmen often drop out in the highest numbers beginning around the 3rd Moon of Autumn and throughout most of the winter months.
The group is currently fighting for more funding from the Guilds Council in order to secure a proper headquarters and possible pay for the watchmen, as well as better equipment for inclement weather.
Public Agenda
To defend the citizens of Kiniswell's poorer districts, especially the River Quarter, from those who would do them injury in the night. To keep the city's youth off the streets after dark, and to prevent them from becoming entangled in the Thieves or Assassin Guilds.
Civilian, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Kiniswell Civillian Night Watch
Training Level
Leader Title