World of arsteria Introduction of the Ethereal Saturation Chart and Symbol

Introduction of the Ethereal Saturation Chart and Symbol

Discovery, Scientific


The war against the Royal Desert Triumvirate resulted in large amounts of Ethereal Saturation in lands far into the Bonsu Kingdom. The result was a dedicated study into the works and effects that the energy could produce and how it could benefit the Empire as a whole. This also required the acknowledgement of the extreme dangers Arcanists were beginning to show to the public, as the grounds and areas that became saturated would begin having adverse side-effects on the inhabitants. Benefits were that the extreme energies mirrored the required amounts at times that was required to produce areas of Kasanakuki , though the benefits wouldn't be realized for some generations. The creatures born within these fields would often exhibit signs of incredible arcane power, but would often be consumed with deranged anger and madness as a result. The creatures and beasts that would hunt Basonity were far more deadly and far sharper.

Related Location
Imperial Eastern Front
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Baso: Imperial History