Sunbeueru/Deperen Profession in World of Arsteria | World Anvil


Sunbeueru, or the Deperen as they are commonly refered, are Heroes in all but name. They do not share the lineage of divinity that Heroes possess, but instead take the knowledge that we have come to claim, and use it to assist the people of the Empire. They train, and learn, and become the best that the Empire has to offer, so that they may defend the Empire and its people. May we praise the might of the Deperen.
— Pere recruitment poster

When the Empire was officially founded, the Bureaus were created to help control the flow of problems as they would arise throughout the control of the Empire. It was what also created one of the longest running Imperial Professions, the Deperen.



Originally only Academy Graduates could sign themselves up as Subeuerun, however following the rule of Imperial King Gunaun the position was opened to anyone capable of passing the test of the Local Subeueru Hall Head.

Payment & Reimbursement

Upon completion of Requests of Service Sunbeueru are paid a large portion of the amount originally given to the Sunbeueru Hall. Additional rewards can be gained from Quality of completion and Speed.

Other Benefits

Sunbeueru are given free meals and lodgings within the Sunbeueru Halls, as well as receiving discounts from certain Smiths throughout the Empire.



Sunbeueru work to protect the Empire and its citizens, their day to day consists of completing jobs or contracts from patron requests.

Social Status

Successful Sunbeueru are recognized as Heroes and are held in high esteem. Often a Beueru from lower standing in life may find themselves rising in their quality of life with each growth of fame. Noble Houses use the system to bolster their appearances.


Roughly 3% of the Imperial Population act as Sunbeueru. For comparison, roughly 8-10% of the Imperial Population consists on Soldiers and Knight Officers.



Each Beueru is given a Personal Journal bearing certain bits of information that pertains to the individual. This includes name, date of recruitment, current job/status, and restrictions on work.


Personal protection items including armor and weapons.

Provided Services

Individuals approach their local Subeueru Hall and place requests of service. They state a price and pay for their service upfront. Sunbeueru are given the chance to accept these request of service, completion sees they receive payment and recognition.

Dangers & Hazards

Request of Service can range from the removal of Highwaymen to Assisting City-States allied with Local Noble Houses in their conflicts. Creature killing, transportation protection, and personal protection are often very common RoS.
Alternative Names
Beueru, Erpere, Pere
Extremely in Demand
The Sunbeueru (Beueru) are Imperially Sanctioned and implemented, individuals working for the Beueru represent sanctioned soldiers of the Empire.
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions
Ranks & Titles


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