Arming Manual Document in World of Arsteria | World Anvil

Arming Manual

The Arming Manual is the definitive version of how best a soldier is to dress, behave, work, and so forth. This also goes a way into showing and explaining certain aspects that are expected of each role in the service of the Empire. From Servant to King, in theory.


The purpose of the 742 manual is to better instruct the officers, soldiers, and others on how best to behave and act as military members. It outlines the required equipment needed for each rank and what is required for Arcanists, Calvary, and Engineers.

Document Structure


The document is broken up into neat sections denoting certain requirements for each rank of the Imperial Bureaucracy and some of the Military elite. It focuses largely on the requirements for the position, the armor, training, experience expected, responsibility, respect given, and earnings expectation for each position covered. These are then further broken up by their individual order. Requirements, responsibility, and experience expected make up the first three portions of each ranks section. This is followed by the Armor, Training, and earnings expectations. Then finally the respect that shall be given to those of that rank.


Documents were created to coexist alongside the Manual, outlining and contracting each noble and royal to sign their entire title and deed over to the Empire should they be found failing in their duty. The price was quite steep, even for the time, but the Ruling King was a former Hero of the recently completed Campaign, and the public was very keen to see the Nobility properly put in check.

Legal status

Under the jurisdiction of The Empire of Five Kings

Historical Details


742 was the first year following one of the worst campaigns of the worlds history.The Abyssal Dragon Campaign  lasted from roughly 641 to 741, and with the saving of the world by the seven heroes an era of apparent peace was attempted. This was one such attempt.  During the hundred years, times had gotten much, much harder for the peoples of the Empire. Supplies regularly lost by air and sea, and the lands working against them. It was feared the Empire would shatter under the weight, however they held their convictions and attempts were made to right the terrible wrongs being done. When the Seven Heroes freed the lands, they pulled back a curtain to shine light onto an infected wound. Rot and decay had set into the Empire as a whole and horrible actions were being taken in the name of "saving the world".  One major issue was the abuse being done from those of higher ranks, taking advantage of both a brutal world and an uncaring bureaucracy to have their way with the rights and fairness of the Empire. These individuals were snuffed out, and their actions were noted as ones unbefitting the nobility and betters of the Empire. This included the treatment of indentured slaves, all of which had willingly given themselves to the servitude. They were still people and deserved to be treated as such, however some had begun beating or killing their slaves, while others merely withheld pay.  The 742 Arming Manual was the attempt to fix all the issues with the Nobility and Bureaucracy, and it would ultimately flounder under the pressure. However, it still stands as a guideline for the general actions and proper arming of soldiers and nobility. As well as the treatment and proper respect given to all those under the Imperial Sun.


Abyssal Dragon Campaign

Public Reaction

The nobility and royalty of the Empire were openly hostile towards the idea of reorganization, and were nearly as bad towards the idea of giving respect to those lower. However, stipulations dictated that a noble's entire title and wealth would be transferred back to the Empire should they fail to keep their agreement. This was something that the Commoners greatly appreciated, and heralded it as a victory for the common citizen.
Manual, Military
Authoring Date
Ratification Date
Signatories (Characters)


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Jan 4, 2022 20:01 by Angantyr

The document was created in the aftermath of "saving the world", which is an excellent feat. I like this touch of balance — some try to abuse power, others act towards fixing the system.   Since the war lasted 100 years, I assume it lasted more than a single generation (correct me if I'm wrong :D), which would mean an entire society shifting perspective towards "this shitty war is the everyday life". How did ordinary people cope with the change of 742? I get that the nobility and other high ranks would want to profit from the conflict, but what about the less fortunate parts of the society? Did they have any reasonable say in enforcing the document, or were there nobles who set slaves of opposing nobles to rebel against the rotten rulings?

Playing around with words and worlds