cloud dragon Species in Witch World | World Anvil

cloud dragon

One of the many discoveries made by Jerotus Rosethorn during his travels through the flying islands, was that of a new species of dragon, or at least sub-species of dragon. Dragons evolved many years ago now, in order to survive in their now smaller environment. There are several of these species known within the valley, but this was the first time this one had been seen, at least by anybody that would then go on to tell everybody.

Basic Information


Resembling a small feathered wyvern, cloud dragons have four limbs. Their front legs also serve as part of their wings, and end in four sharp clawed talons. They have a long tail with a sail on the end which aids in flight. A slender elongated head on the end of a sinuous neck and body.

Ecology and Habitats

They seem to have made their main home amongst the ruins of Kilglen, though it is unknown why. They are excellent gliders, and are adept at navigating the wind currents which swirl around the flying Isles, though they stick to the few that are closet to their home island.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivores and have a remarkably varied diet which consists of: insects, grubs, fruits, seeds and nuts, vegetables, fungus, and small rodents and birds. Food is in pletiful supply up on the flying islands and the dragon population isn't large so there is no need to fight for food. As a result, cloud dragons tend to eat little and often during the day, keeping up the energy expended by flying but not filling their bellies and making themselves lumbersome.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are a rather secretive species and there hasn't been much headway in research into how they live. However, they all seem to live together in one large clan or family, and there has been noted that some sort of hierarchy does exist, though what it is based on has yet to be determined.


The Cloud Dragons have resisted any and all attempts to handle or befriend them. They seem to have little interest in the few researchers who have attempted to come here to learn about them. They will even go so far as to attack those who get too close to certain areas of the ruined town.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

All Dragons are considered sapient and thus any exploitation of them falls under the same laws that protect any other sapient species of the valley.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Can be found exclusively on the the floating islands.

Average Intelligence

They have above average animal intelligence, and seem to have the ability to learn.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Cloud dragons vary in colour as much as their namesakes, and usually exhibit at least three different shades. Some are coloured like the dark brooding clouds that herald a storm, and others are the bright white of those wisps which touch the sky on a summer's day.


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