The Tower of the Lord of the Puppets Building / Landmark in When the Curtain has fallen | World Anvil

The Tower of the Lord of the Puppets

Almost nothing the Lord of the Puppets has done in their life was made by just his hands.
As if to reflect that, even his Tower was built using other buildings as its foundations, as if to show his dominance over other beings.
It is a monumental black spire, branching out in every direction and covered with holes.
Once in a while some of the Lords' Dolls are seen climbing out of those holes.   Right now, the spire is surrounded from every side by twelve statues built by the Dolls as a tribute to their Lord.
All of the statues are made to look like him, but every next one looks less and less human.  

Creation of the Tower

After the third year of Extinction, Lord of the Puppets had enough corpses to create as many Dolls as he would like.
Because of that, he didn't want to move too far away from the cities. So he chose the old theatre surrounded by three skyscrapers as the center of their Dominium.
As time passed, black growth started to show up and spread on the buildings.
It took it only one month to completely envelop the four buildings.
Then another two to create a spire with a labyrinth of tunnels inside.   The Tower is made out of billions of sticky, black threads similar to the spider web in both their chemical composition and properties.
It's extremely stretchy, strong, and non-inflammable.
As of yet, it is unknown where that material came from or how to reproduce it.  

Interior (known parts)

As no humans were able to get close to the Tower and return alive, all of the intel about those locations was provided by the members of the Dead Squad and may or may not be true.  


Once in a while, he would take Dolls and make them act on the stage. A lot of Dolls died during his plays.
— Morgana, member of the Dead Squad
The entrance of the Tower.
Three pairs of red doors lead to the lobby with the ticket office, cloakroom, and stairs leading to the balcony.
Beyond them, there is another pair of doors leading to the stage and auditorium.
The back of the building has been destroyed, and the black threads create the tunnel to the first of the three skyscrapers (the one behind the theater).  

The Nest

There were so many Dolls resting here it was hard to pass through the corridor. The only time everyone moved was when he wanted to watch another play.
— Felicia, member of the Dead Squad
The first skyscraper has been completely turned into a resting place for all of the lesser Dolls the Lord of the Puppets has created.
Most of them, when not needed by their Lord, lie here in piles, as if they were lifeless corpses.
As most of them don't feel any pain, they lie wherever, not caring if anyone steps on them. There are always two squads stationed on the entrance and the exit of the nest.
To leave the nest, one needs to go through the first ten floors of the building, either by the staircases or by climbing the elevator shaft.
The floors higher than that and the basement are inhabited by the Dolls that are way less human than the normal ones.  


Screams,...lights,...strapped to a table,...pain.
— Bianca, member of the Dead Squad
The Squad entered the north skyscraper using the tunnels leading from the nest at the 12th floor.
Floors 12 to 14 of this building have been turned into a laboratory and production line, where the Lord can create his monstrosities.
The 12th floor is mainly filled with storage areas for the corpses and cells for alive subjects awaiting their "awakening" as the servants of the Lord. Floor 13 is where all of the experiments, modifications, and resurrection happens.
On the 14th floor, the ability of a newly created Doll to survive is tested.  


Birdcages for his most loved possessions. And most loyal soldiers.
— Oriana, member of the Dead Squad
Floors 15 to 25 of the south skyscraper are full of office cubicles that were once a small part of the corporation in the building.
They have been rebuilt and now serve as rooms for the Dolls Lord loves the most at the moment.
These floors are filled with bedrooms, paintings, sculptures and other symbols of vanity.
Usually, the Dolls living here are the strongest creations of the Lord, even possessing emotions. They are the "royal guard" of the Lord of the Puppets.  

The Maze

What lied above was a complete mystery. However, that was where he spent most of his days.
— Jackie, the leader of the Dead Squad
Above the rooftops of all of the three skyscrapers, the threads that build the Tower form tangled mass of tunnels.
No one, aside from the Lord, ever goes there, even the most trusted Dolls.
According to the assumptions of the Dead Squad, somewhere in that maze, there is a lair of the Lord of the Puppets.
Tower, Mage
[...] Not long after The Curtain has fallen, the Lords spread out all around the world. Each one of them found the place they claimed as their own.
We noticed that wherever they stayed, various kind of growths showed up around them. For the next few weeks, we observed them.
Not only the growth seems to form some kind of structure, but the terrain around the structure becomes more and more affected by the aspect of the Lord.
Watch out for those places, █████ Vagabond, as it seems that they can perceive anything in their area of influence. [...]
— Part of the last message from the Purple Paladin.

Exterior: Lords' Dominium

Spent most of my days on the patrol duty. Once in a while, something would enter his territory. Our job was to hunt it and bring it back to him
— Raya, member of the Dead Squad
Unlike most of the Lords, the presence of the Lord of the Puppets doesn't affect the surrounding area in almost any way.
There are black threads covering all of the buildings that belong to his territory, however, entering it doesn't cause any kind of negative side-effects.
The only real hazard would be the army of Dolls controlled by the Lord, who knows about anyone going through his Dominium, patrolling it day and night.


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