Golem Species in When the Curtain has fallen | World Anvil


Before The Creation Project shifted their main goal to earn as much money as possible, they tried to find many different ways to neutralize the Beasts. One of them was the production of The Created, which has been achieved by insertion of the parts of the Beast DNA into human stem cells. The other one was to manipulate the Beasts' genetic code to create lesser, domesticated variants of them that would be able to destroy their parents.
Those beings are known as Golems.   Every branch of The Creation Project has only one or two Golems at the time, as the costs of keeping them alive are astronomically high. Every generation of the Golems is made out of the genetic code of the different Beast. Right now it is Coatl for Jupiter, Leviathan and Scylla for Neptune, and Minotaur for Pluto.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

All of the Golems are bereft of the ability to reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

To reach the stage of maturity at which the Golem is able to survive in the environment, it needs to stay in the specialized Growth Chamber for over five years. Even then, they are closer to being the Beast-like equivalent of Failed Ones. Most of them need to be equipped with the cybernetic gear that supports their life functions and enhances their abilities.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Golems need large quantities of energy to survive. They are obligate carnivores. As such they are fed large amounts of meat every day. Some of it is made out of the Failed Ones or the Created who failed their missions and died.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most of Golems are able to perceive the world around them, as they have working eyes, nose, and ears, however, their bodies are so pumped with hormones, even the most "domesticated" specimens attack everything around them, focusing on anything that moves.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
5-10 years
Average Height
7-15 meters
Average Weight
500-2500 kg
Average Length
3-20 meters


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