Deity Rank/Title in WECA Earth | World Anvil
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From cosmic forces to ascended beings, gods appear throughout the universe as objects of faith for an innumerable amount of species. It is hard to see a species without some sort of god in any sense of the word. It is often believed that divinity exists for the purpose of stabilizing reality, the truth behind this raison d'etre is a deeply kept secret if there is any.


Usually requires a skill or power mastery or being born into it.


As stated in the qualifications, skill or power mastery or born into it. It has also been observed amongst the deities of different planets that the more established pantheons then to have more solid requirements and a subjective probation period before accepting a new member. New pantheons tended, whether it be post apocalyptic or a newly emerging tend to use just getting their divinity as the sole requirement. Note that this is a general tendency amongst pantheons, alot of them usually have their own specifics.


ascension: where a being becomes a god. This process involves seeing a being known as The Granter of Divinity, though his/her/it's identity and the specifics and are intentionally kept vague and obscured. Reasons, like with all things involving the gods vary between the pantheons; they include uniqueness decay, power corruption, terrible people being given divinity, irresponsibility and immaturity. A few things are known to be consistent however, like how anybody can become a god including robots, animals and objects and that the divinity seems to be a personification of their aspect.


Personal responsibilities involve taking care of their home civilization, answering their followers and maintaining environments, though this is a personal choice. You are likely to encounter a lazy or neglectful god just as much as you are likely to discover a hard working and loving one.


Varies between deities.


There are reasons why someone would take on divinity outside of ego or higher power. This includes the perks and confirmation of skill mastery. Both gods and demigods able to breed with almost any sentient species (gods can procreate with almost anything because of shapeshifting while demigods are restricted to feasibility and bypass of biochemical barriers.) Can understand any sentient creature in spite of languages learned (believed to be a telepathic ability, and is believed to be a universal translator of comprehension). Demigods obtain extended lifespan and youth along with extended fertility. Gods shape shifting powers perpetual youth and permanent fertility.

Accoutrements & Equipment

None. Though many obtain an iconic item or symbol

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Twilight of the God(s): not a traditional custom or tradition per se, but an expected event. Many gods know, assume or normally come to assume that their time will come and reign will end. Referring to a twilight can refer to a societal shift or death. The other norm would be a retirement or stepping down. Less commonly would be a stripping of the title.


It is said among gods that the first true gods appeared at the very beginning of the universe while others believe they appeared when their respective concepts appeared in the universe. But what is accepted is that the first true gods were cosmic forces. For many of the planetary gods, their divinity were either inherited or achieved through ascension. There is usually an ascended one to kick things off; doesn't matter who or when, just that they exemplify a trait, belief or skill needed at the time and they kick off the dominoes that create and define many of the local myths. It is a secret to the gods that The Granter of Divinity enables this; they won't talk about it nor share it with anybody else. Then an age of myth tends to occur where many of the myths and legends are forged. What happens after varies between worlds, but what will always happen is a wane in influence and a Twilight where their end comes. This is the common skeleton for many of the pantheons across the universe. The personal histories of the pantheons are as diverse as the mortals living in the universe.   It isn't unheard of for a diety to come into being after a Twilight. These instances have been recorded from space faring and post apocalyptic races. If they call themselves a god varies from individual.

Cultural Significance

They make the myths. in-between the pantheons there are stories of previous gods and cosmic forces. Amongst themselves,becoming a god is serious business and shouldn't be granted willy nilly. Early civilizations types tend to, with little effort, assume godhood out of a lack of knowledge while post apocalyptic societies tend to do the same for necessity. More modern (circa 20th century) or space faring races often don't jump to the moniker of god when one of there members gets a power.

Notable Holders

If a god from any mythology exists in this universe, then he/she/it holds it.
Religious, Beatified
unknown; believed to be a linchpin in reality.
Alternative Naming
Divine Creature, divinity
Equates to
Note: How they feel about their position and if they are superior to mortals vary between individuals. Usually are seen as sacred or above mortals , though being equals has been noted.
Source of Authority
The Granter of Divinity, a cosmic force and anthropomorphic personification of divinity; most gods refuse to mentioned him for various,and obvious, reasons.
Length of Term
It lasts until death, dismissal, or a retirement (normally a couple thousand of years)
Reports directly to

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