There are a lot of things I could say to you right now. To encourage you, entice you perhaps. But I think the best counsel I can give you at this moment, is "be sure."
  Be sure you want to hear the answers your heart asks.
Be sure you want to find the magic, endure the mayhem, and step into this vast new world.
Be sure you want to know more about yourself...
  ...because that's exactly what will happen once you start down this path.
The world you now enter is an expansive one. Charged with the task of publishing these collective stories, Jaime Buckley has worked tiredlessly since 2005 to bring this world to your people. My task is to add upon his works -- hopefully casting further light among the shadows.   This complex tapestry weaves the tales of Wendell P. Dipmier, a boy found at the center of a historical anomaly we've yet to explain.   My research continues to uncover generational whispers, chanting in unison to reveal the events of this boys convergence. Countless lives and unknown sacrifices, all with stories to be told to the delight of this old historian. These events tug at more than Humans. Wendell has affected the history of the Evolu, Vallen, Gentre, Gypsies, Iskari, and even the extinct race of the Nocturi. His acts have altered nature, awakening creatures who speak languages of their own.   Most are blind to the beings of darkness, influencing mortal agency. The Ogriel and The Unembodied, entities reaching out from the other side, tempt and torment generations -- whispering in the ears of the weak, the desperate and greedy, offering power and opportunity to the hopeless -- all to infiltrate the moral structure of society.  
The organizing of this material had to be specific. I feel tempted to write these articles like my books, but discipline and attention are required to make sure you have every detail...lest we allow evil to take hold of our lives again.   Sadly I'm only one person. Old, slow, and tired after a lifetime of wandering this world in search of the truth.   On the other hand, I AM a fishis by profession...which means if ANYONE can do this, it'll be me.   To be clear, this site is more than just a collection of people, places, and events. It's a web through time, connecting lives immersed in magic, lore, and legend...all of which blend into one cohesive world experience. This experience, as you will eventually discover, is all connected to Wendell.   What I'm attempting won't be perfect. The story behind all this IS perfect (at least in my opinion), but me? I'm just an old gnome without a day job and a willingness to keep working until my time is up (or I run out of drinking money).   So if you find mistakes, don't blame the story...blame me.    

How This Material Is Organized

You can come here to discover more about the characters you love, hate, or love to hate. You can search for terms, people, places, and general events--added as they appear in the records I have, which I submit according to its degree of importance.   Rest assured that all information will (eventually) be linked into one cohesive document. The red words you see are links to that very term or subject. As further maps, documents, letters & journal entries are obtained, they will be indexed and woven into the fabric of this site. As lore & more (hehe,...I made a rhyme) get organized, I promise to provide them for your consuming pleasure.   After all, leaking socially-sensitive FAF information to the public has always been a hobby of mine...(and the very reason I was banished from my homeland in the first place).
  Why stop now?

How To Access HIDDEN Knowledge

The fact that I’ve published this information in pieces and cannot take it back terrifies me. Many secrets and hidden knowledge have come to my attention over the years....things I've kept to myself, locked away and oftentimes ignored (for good reason). Add to that my recently unrestricted access to The Great Library of the Gnolaum, a place where time has its own rules...   All pertinent knowledge of this world and its inhabitants are now within my reach.
  TRANSLATION: If there's information to be had, I'm gonna find it, cupcake.
  Problem is, most of these secrets are powerful, incriminating, and in many cases, dangerous. We're talking the Book of Dark Bindings dangerous, here. Mysteries solved by brilliant minds and historians, willing to use up their lives in pursuit of the truth, so individuals like you could benefit from such knowledge.   IF you're wise enough.    

That is why this world will be revealed in TWO ways:

For the casual adventurer

Those who seek simply to wet their curiosity, OR to enhance the enjoyment of books they've already read.

For those who SEARCH

Those who show their hunger will find hidden treasures in the most unlikely places.
There is something here for everyone. Those who desire to learn more of this world will find plenty to partake of, especially with what's in store.
  For those who want to know everything, from the smallest lie to legends, lore, and how it all connects together, they'll be able to search and see the marvels only afforded those willing to stop and smell the flowers. True patrons can learn to walk unhindered through halls, homes, graves, and handle the secret letters, vows, and violations of nature, hidden from mankind.   Until now.   As I said, be sure.
  This is not an adventure to be taken lightly.
  TGII help us all.

"Beware...for all who have light revealed to them are bound to obey the same."
— Brother Owens

You will also find scrolls from time to time, which will contain special information depending upon its seal. Go ahead and click on each of the scrolls below to reveal its explanation...
The following scrolls are special markers, some available to the public, but most are exclusively for licensed fishis.   Scrolls are identified by their seals and must be clicked upon to reveal their contents (as you now know).   This scroll contains my personal notes from the field. Tidbits the curious mind will want to know, and I simply haven't had the time to wedge the knowledge into the cannon of this site (yet).  
~ Höbin
This is an Official Scroll, used to share information from those in authority.   If the knowledge is from royalty, subscribed by law, a pronounced decree or correspondence between those of great influence, you'll find this scroll used...  
~ Höbin
This is a scroll of magic, sharing all things having to do with the mägo and their craft.
- H
  "Those of the University of Magic can neither support nor refute the facts presented by Mr. Luckyfeller concerning magical lore.   Though the Council of Magic, out of wisdom, would prefer to examine any given claimes made by this particular historian, his association with Morphiophelius Smith is enough to satisfy our claims.   We urge all those wishing to delve into the realm of a mägo to first seek proper schooling before tempting forces beyond their understanding and control.  
Last but not least, this is a scroll of Lore.   Within these parchments are the whispers of the impossible, the terrifying and brilliant, reserved exclusively for a fishis eyes.   Should you desire to learn of the past, the unusual present (and outside the knowledge of the ignorant) or of things yet to come, I suggest you pay close attention to your surroundings.  

"I can't believe you're telling our secrets, Höbin. I...expected more from you than this!   BTW, if you spread any rumors about me and Mrs. Kravitz, I'll turn your rusting metal hide into a toad, GOT IT?!?   They're LIES."
— Chuck
"Great, now I gotta watch what I say, huh.   Damn.   Well, I ain't gonna stop drinkin' or smoking cigars! You can forget that crap.   You don't like it--ya can go snuggle with Mahan for all I care."
— Dax
"...and ANOTHER thing...she made a pass at ME!   IT'S TRUE!!   The woman could cause paint to shrivel up and peel itself from a wall with that face.   Things that make you want to say, "EWWWWWW!"
— Chuck


Please Login in order to comment!
May 14, 2019 22:13 by Dragon

Very amusing! :) I enjoyed reading it. Will there be more links to other articles? :3

May 15, 2019 12:46 by Jaime Buckley

I'm so glad you liked it! Yes, there will be more links. Still getting used to this platform...SO excited to share.

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
May 15, 2019 14:03 by Jaime Buckley

More links have been added.

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
May 16, 2019 01:04 by Dragon

Nice! :)
My sister enjoyed this article as well.

May 16, 2019 08:26 by Jaime Buckley

So glad she liked it =D

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Jul 13, 2020 19:18 by Höbin Luckyfeller

Tell your sister the little metal man says, "Heya."

Jul 14, 2020 01:32 by Dragon

She says Hi back :)

May 15, 2019 08:02

Absolutely outstanding work, especially with all of the drawings!

May 15, 2019 12:50 by Jaime Buckley

Wow. Thanks for that! Drawing is part of m'life.   Funny about your name there--I was just working on a reference to Chucks Cottage as a "TARDISS" (Totally Awesome Random Displacement In Style, Stupid)... *hehe*

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Apr 19, 2020 00:29 by C. B. Ash

Delightful. Just Delightful! I enjoyed this so much. I've read it more than once over. Seriously: more please!

May 2, 2020 01:44 by Jaime Buckley

Thanks C.B.!   There's so much already available, but we have millions of words and thousands of drawings, podcasts and videos to go =)   Stay tuned!

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Jul 13, 2020 19:17 by Höbin Luckyfeller

More is all I got fer ya, CB!   More, more, more....

Jul 13, 2020 19:29 by C. B. Ash

Well then, I'm looking forward to it, Höbin!

May 26, 2020 15:12 by Kahuna The Elder

As always Jaime - great stuff!

Kahuna the Elder aka Leo - Creator of Arnathia
May 27, 2020 03:14 by Jaime Buckley

Awwww, thanks Kahuna!

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Jul 13, 2020 19:19 by Höbin Luckyfeller

Why do you take all the credit?   Not like you're a one-man show, there, cupcake.   (snort)

Jul 13, 2020 19:25 by Jaime Buckley

No one said I was a one-man show, Höbin.   Everyone likes the site and the TON of info you put up here for readers. Isn't that a good thing?

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
Jan 8, 2022 22:47

Very engrossing introduction! Had me reading the whole thing, and admiring the images and background the whole time!

Jan 10, 2022 03:37 by Jaime Buckley

Very kind of you =) Hope you enjoy the site!

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
Subscribe to Life of Fiction to see the live results of all this worldbuilding.
May 10, 2024 21:55 by Benard Calvin "Hunter" Hendrick VIII

Jaime,   I wanted to reach out because I aspire to be like many of the beans (as Janet so delightfully calls us). How do you get a voice to come through as a guide for a world? I truly enjoy what you put out because I don't hear Jamie. I hear someone else (mainly Hobin) guiding me and I would love to try it.

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