User Submissions

We love you. That doesn't mean we want to work with you.

The Buckley family is SO happy that these stories and works of art continue to be enjoyed around the globe through our family company Perspicacious Publishing™. As a family, we strive to create original content to entertain and inspire readers and encourage them to make amazing creations of their own to share with the world.   This focus has opened many doors and we continue to make wonderful, strong friendships through those interactions.   It is because of this that we feel the need to clarify specific guidelines we live by, to help our fan base as it grows:  

Perspicacious Publishing™ welcomes your comments, feedback, and input regarding Perspicacious Publishing™ products & services through this Site. Your input and perspectives are valued and assist us in making decisions on where our dedicated attention as creators should be spent.   However, Perspicacious Publishing™ does not accept or consider any material for use in any of its products or services (including, but not limited to, demos, sketches, drawings, notes, stories, music, videos, animations, game or character ideas, and product ideas), that has not been specifically requested by Perspicacious Publishing™.


Accordingly, Perspicacious Publishing™ asks you NOT to send us any such materials.


If you ignore this request, any such materials, comments, suggestions or other information submitted by you to Perspicacious Publishing™ will become the property of Perspicacious Publishing™, with Perspicacious Publishing™ exclusively owning all known and hereafter existing rights to such materials, and you acknowledge and agree not to contest Perspicacious Publishing™ rights to use and disclose such materials in any manner and for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without compensation to you.

  IN PLAIN ENGLISH: if you send us ANYTHING, we OWN it and YOU WILL NOT GET A SINGLE PENNY FOR IT. Evvvver.   Understand?   Look...we are not trying to be mean here. We LOVE you and want YOU to be in control of YOUR ideas, please don't send them to us. Okay?  
....we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
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