Ork Folk | Wherever I May Roam


Ork Folk are a big unknown: They do not live in what we call civilization, and have various different civilizations elsewhere. Only some Orks have been encountered by Wayfarers, and they do not share info asides from just small bits. Privacy is respected. They live within Beast Lands and basically are in constant negotiation with nature to survive.   Orks are a folk that by some standards could be called uncivilised. This goes to show that said standards are utter rubbish. They have their own civilisations, which can easily be considered marvelous. Yet because they do not live with the rest of us, but deep within the Beast Lands, some pretend them to be uncivilised beasts.   They are up to 1.8m tall, barring some exceptions, with broad builds and thick muscles. This allows them to wield weapons that only Ogres and the strongest Humans can also handle. Orks are extremely rare within our own lands, for only rarely will one venture towards our Frontier and even more rarely will one choose to stay.   We know little about Orks, due to their secretive nature. What we do know is that they respect both physical and mental strength, as they are a folk born and raised within a hostile environment. Where we will clear out entire lands of Beasts, they fight only what they really need to fight. To them, there is more glory in protection than in slaughter.  


To preface this section, let us note that we know very little about Ork culture. They tend not to share things with us, even in the rare cases where people have visited their settlements. In fact we have learned as much from the occasional ruin as from actual interaction.   Orks keep history throughout a combination of carvings and oral stories. Weapons and shields have suggested that they tell each other legends, which they then carve into their equipment, as if to hope for the same blessing as the legend. They do not like simple copies, but appreciate anyone copying the image alongside the fighting style.   As for their settlements, these are adjusted to their environments. But what all have in common, is a need for control: Defensive structures and mechanisms, as well as camouflage, are all designed to keep Beasts away from them. One way that is displayed, is their tendency to live either in treetops, on the top of hills, or underground.   This need to control, in other words the need to keep casualties low, also expresses in their fighting style. Long bows for a distance, composite bows for mobility, whips to restrict their enemies, clawbreaker weapons to break claw and bone. All of their typical weaponry is designed around simple production yet effective control against the Beasts they risk facing every day.
Max Length
Usual Body Type
Typical Team Role
Controller, Ranged
Typical Weaponry
  • Clawbreaker
  • Whip
  • Longbow
  • Composite Bow


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