Ogre Folk | Wherever I May Roam


Ogres are the largest civilised race, with many near 3m tall. This length is accompanied by a sturdy build and massive strength. As a result, they're sought after as soldiers in many an armed conflict. Because they are very conflict-averse themselves, this often means they're drafted by force.   Since they dislike being treated as potential weapons, many Ogres live at the edges of civilisation. They can often be found tucked away in small villages, deep in forests, or near the Frontier. While they may face Raiders there, they prefer that over warfare. And if need be, they'll still defend themselves to the death.   Many Ogres like to hunt, testing their capabilities against a wild environment. This may seem to contrast with their anti-warfare nature, but it's the malicious needless factor of warfare that they dislike. This can be observed in the fact they avoid conflict with malicious Beasts, where other races may choose to wipe those out instead.  


Ogres are well-known for not keeping written history. Instead, they use oral sagas to keep track of the past. Perhaps this is related to how they were repeatedly forced to fight wars, choosing to prevent a written history from being used against them. Though there are indications they do have a form of history keeping, supposedly through construction, they are incredibly secretive about this.   Due to their habit to tell sagas and anecdotes, Ogre Wayfarers and Wanderers are often asked to share their stories. This makes them a useful training source for newbie Wayfarers. Written texts tend to bore many of us, while a dramatic tale has the tendency to stick in your head.   Another aspect of Ogres is that they love to build. So much so, that they tend to go overboard. A wilderness camp may be built with such detail that it remains standing for years, while their settlements tend to keep growing taller walls and fancier homes. As such they are usually banned from renovating Guild buildings.
Max Length
Usual Body Type
Typical Team Role
Typical Weaponry
  • Bastard Sword
  • Club / Mace
  • Heavy Crossbow
  • Large Shield


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