Vyngaard Shattering of Bonds and World
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Shattering of Bonds and World



The revolution of, what would become, the Glory Pantheon against the The Tidal Empire, an event that would break Ygníheim apart and shatter the world of Vyngaard into the shape it has today.

The Tidal Empire was all-consuming and was ruled with an iron hand through telepathic enslavement. The races and creatures of Vyngaard were subject to its will. The formal slave workers of the empire has been dated to have been Dwarrow, Gnomes, Orcs, and Zajec.   As the construction of the The Fahn Circlet began, to easier move materials around, the slaves were forced to craft it.   But nine slaves of different races found themselves free from the telepathic enslavement, and instead bound to each other's minds. Their names were Estar, Tenja, Ydione, Astros, Apphine, Ythus, Aine, Yasis, and Icteus. They would not stand for the cruel rule they were subjects under, and began forging plans to free their peoples. Together, they were what would become the Glory Pantheon.   The freedom was in their blood and they worked that very blood and its power into their craft to change the purpose of the Fahn Circlet. It would be infused with their free will and make it into a prison for their oppressors. For decades they slaved away, until finally their work was completed.

Completion of the Fahn Circlet, and the start of the Rebellion

As the Fahn Circlet completed its construction, the bonds that the nine had woven into it, took hold. No Sea Terrors could pass the restrains, and all who passed outside of Circlet were free from their power.   The Sea Terrors were enraged beyond comprehension at the unraveling of their empire. As the nine fought to bring every last individual outside of the Circlet, the Empire fought back. Thousands were slain, as the Empire called into existence beings of terrible powers to fight their battles. They also brought in races from the other realms where the Empire had spread, introducing the Elven, Halfmen, and Draconbeasts, who would then become the three elven subraces, the Halflings and the Dragonborn. While this happened, the Glory Pantheon recruited the newly freed slaves who wanted to fight for other's freedoms as well, and the battles between these armies were cataclysmic.   As more and more people died, and only the inhabitants of Ygníheim were left to be freed, the Glory Pantheon realised the only way to stop it all, was to go into the home of the enemy, the very city the Empire was built upon itself, and slay the masters. The Glory Pantheon's telepathic powers were strong enough for them to be able to subdue the enemy's enslaved fighters, but they had vowed to never bring anyone under any other will than the one they owned themselves.   But one of the nine, Icteus, saw the slaughter, the innocent deaths that were and would be caused, and stepped back in fear of failure. To ensure victory, she made a plan, one the other eight would not know about, and followed the others into battle one last time.

Storming of Ygníheim

The nine stormed the walls of Ygníheim

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