Order of the Ardent Sword Organization in Vuria | World Anvil
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Order of the Ardent Sword

The Order of the Ardent Sword are a militant order of paladins and clerics in Northern Lamera. They are devoted to stomping out chaos in all its forms. While they do tend to favor good, they are fully devoted to bringing justice to the tumultuous frontier of Northern Lamera. The Order despises anarchy, and rather see a country be lead by martial law than fall into chaos and disorder.   The Order is looked on by the other lords of the North with apprehension. While they fight against fiendish cults, evil humanoids, and the Empire of Veran with great fervor, many fear that they will attempt to depose rulers they view as weak and replace them with strong willed allies.   The Order recruits those it feels represent the righteous nature of the Order. Anyone is welcome to join, but followers of The Grey Lady are favored.


The Order operates under strict militaristic hierarchy. They seldom recruit locals to aid in their missions, except in the cases of advisers or wilderness guides.   At the top of the Order's leadership is the Grandmaster. Below them are the marshals, captains, lieutenants, brigadiers, sergeants, and initiates.

Public Agenda

  • Justice is the highest virtue
  • Chaos must be replaced with order
  • Those that cannot lead must be replaced by those that can


In addition to their fighting force, the Order keep 4,000 horses, over 3,000 pack mules to carry their equipment and haul away "reclaimed" treasure. They typically bring along 9 wagons, packed with weapons, food and drink, medical supplies and siege weaponry when mobilizing.

Aid, Protect, Heal

Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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