Korbinian Rühl Character in Vuria | World Anvil
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Korbinian Rühl

Grandmaster Korbinian Rühl

Korbinian Rühl has been Grandmaster of the Order of the Ardent Sword for several years already and serves as Lord Protector of Raven Rock.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Despite his age, Rühl is a powerfully built and imposing man who believes his faith has kept him young.

Facial Features

Rühl has a neatly cropped grey goatee and much like the rest of his body, has numerous scars from battle and torture at the hands of devils from his time in Avernus.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rühl was orphaned after his village was attacked by orogs and was raised by the Order. By the time he was 30, he had already made a name for himself as a fearsome warrior for righteousness. He was once abducted by a devil and transported to Avernus, the first layer of Hell, where he learned a great deal about death, suffering, and desperation. His faith in the gods and his dedication to his oaths prevailed and he was eventually able to escape. He returned to Vuria a changed man, ten years later. When the previous Grandmaster died, Rühl was unanimously chosen to take his place.


Rühl was briefly home schooled by his mother before his childhood home was destroyed. After he was taken in by the Order, he was formerly educated at one of their monasteries, receiving a formal education alongside combat training.

Mental Trauma

Rühl's time in Avernus left him mentally scarred. Since his return, he has largely become emotionally distant and even cruel in his desire to see the influence of evil stomped out.

Personality Characteristics


Rühl dreams of uniting all of Lamera under the Order, sincerely believing that the Order's law and righteousness would benefit everyone.

Likes & Dislikes

Rühl greatly values efficiency, righteous order, piety, and valor. He hates Zardossk, but otherwise has grown to appreciate other cultures.

Virtues & Personality perks

Rühl is energetic, astute, and a methodical over-achiever with a can-do attitude.

Vices & Personality flaws

Rühl is uptight and severe; genuinely believing his worldview is the correct one and often looks down upon or is hostile to those who don't share it.


Family Ties

Rühl has no living family members to his knowledge but considers members of the Order as his family and treats them as such.

Religious Views

Rühl is extremely devout to the gods and looks down upon those who do not devote much of their time to their praise. He views The Grey Lady as his personal patron, but also worships The Unbroken , The Earthmother, and The Stern Lady with equal vigor for aspects of their spheres of influence. He frowns at worshipers of The Liberator, while respecting their devotion to similar ideals, finds their lack of discipline and order repugnant.   It nearly goes without saying that he has a hatred for those who worship evil gods, even for their aspects (such as warriors who pray to The Scourge) and an even greater hatred for diabolical cults.


Rühl rarely smiles; his gaze and words often betray unusual intensity and sheer strength of will.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grandmaster of the Order of the Ardent Sword; Lord Protector of Raven Rock
Year of Birth
1461 CY 63 Years old
Current Residence
Cisgender Male
Brown, squinty
Steely grey, combed back,
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tawny, extensive scarring
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If your sword is as true as your faith, your will as strong as your heart, and your mind as clear as your words, then, and only then will you be worthy of serving in the Order."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven, Elvish

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