Astral Euphoria Condition in Voltera | World Anvil

Astral Euphoria

The condition known as Astral Euphoria is caused by the Volteran Cactus plant known as "Cactaceae Volteria Astralogika". One or more pricks from this plants black needles can cause the condition of Astral Euphoria. Alchemists and Herbalists harvest the needles and sell them to those mostly with sinister purposes it is also commonly used in poison blowguns by certain tribes of Half Orc and Tabaxi Barbarians.   The Plant can be found mostly in rocky arid regions where it can get rather large but has been known to propagate unexpectedly in Jungle Regions with dense ground coverage but open canopies to strong sunlight the latter makes them more dangerous as the cacti often are hidden by other foliage and the needles prick to unprotected skin can lead to the Condition of Astral Euphoria.   Alchemists seek out this plants needles and flowers to make stronger poisons that cause the same effect or with other components to concoct potions much like blink spell or Astral projection.

Transmission & Vectors

The Condition of Astral Euphoria is transmitted when Needles prick the skin and Just the smallest amount makes its way into the blood stream or when its ingested and processed and the chemical then enters the Blood Stream. Ingested Astral Euphoria will come on very strongly within 1-2 hours after ingestion. It will come on much quicker in situations of an elevated heart rate such as in combat or heavy physical activity.


Astral Euphoria is then Caused as the Toxins begin to in a magical way multiply and transform ones actual blood in the bloodstream.


Initially Astral Euphoria Comes on as just feeling happy and laid back or care free this may be less noticeable in some personalities but a quite noticeable change in others. as the Toxins in the blood expand one will become more giddy and in wonderment of even the most simple things around them they may even Hallucinate wisps of various colors around them that may look like wondrous spirits dancing gleefully around them at this point they will begin to lose most or all of their balance and dexterity as the Astral Euphoria takes over and their Hair will usually stand on end as they wander around in a jovial wonderment and even carry on conversations with astral spirits they perceive through the Infection and even feel as though they are becoming a spirit themselves. The Final and most dangerous stage comes when Astral Euphoria has taken hold comes when the subjects body now losing their balance and dexterity suffers unanticipated or sudden jars to the body such as falling, bumping into large objects, or suffering a heavy Blow to the body or head even sneezing it causes a Temporal shift of their physical body depending on the Seriousness of the blow can teleport them into the Astral Plane momentarily or for the Duration of the condition.


There is no Known Treatment Symptoms can usually last 2-7 days.


Stage 1: Initially the Subject will be in a happy even Euphoric state and Appear Normal or slightly High.   Stage 2: As Manual Dexterity decays the subject will often stumble or lose balance and be Euphoric or Distracted.   definitelystumbleoutworldwisps   Disappear   sometimes only yards away from where stage 4 occurred to many hundreds of miles away, very tired, exhausted, and thirsty, and Hungry not always recalling what had happen their hair unkempt and even standing on end for the next day or two. 2 in 10 Cases disappear into the Astral plane never to be seen again.   Repeated exposure could possibly lead to Immunity or even control of the effects but this is only documented in a few rare cases of Barbaric Shaman's using the Drug for divination like purposes. most of the time it leads to and addiction.


Having thick leather or cloth to prevent needle pricks and blood transmission. Frequent Exposure and ingestion has been known in some to shorter or more controlled experiences during astral euphoria but can also lead to addiction in some.

Cultural Reception

The Drug and Astral Euphoria is not understood by most civilized world. It is revered among certain Barbaric Cultures and some of its members are subjected to it as a right of passage or conditioning to become a Shamen.