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The Gate of Shadows

This immense abyss is home to the densest concentration of Gnomes anywhere on Vitcoona. These particular Gnomes have a habit of raiding the nearby settlements. However, The Gate of Shadows is so called not for the Gnomes that live within its depths, but what lies beyond within the impenetrable darkness of the abyss.   Occasionally, unnamed horrors will ascend from the deepest recesses and darkest shadows of Vitcoona. No-one knows where these creatures come from, who or what created them, or even what their purpose is. All that is known about the Nameless Things is that they instill panic in the minds of these forced to contend with them. They are monsters. The Gate is their access point to the rest of Vitcoona, and it is the inky darkness lying at the bottom of the chasm that allows the monsters to fester and multiply undetected.   The Gate of Shadows is believed to be a doorway into the Deep Dark of Vitcoona. Even the vicious Gnomes are cautious of exploring too deeply. The creatures that live within the Deep Dark many times have no names other than "Monster" and are said to be the physical manifestations of nightmares, fears, and terrors.   The upper levels of The Gate of Shadows are home to the majority of Gnomes, its population is said to number in the millions before the Dwarves embark on The Great Culling. It is only after the near-total destruction of the Gnome settlements within the Gate that raids on both Underworld and Surface settlements near the Gate start to peter out. The Great Culling saw the permanent end of the raider Gnomes, and the Great Culling is what brought the Gnomes out from the shadows of legend and into the common knowledge of the peoples of Vitcoona.


A split in the crust of Vitcoona extends further down than any light can reach. No mortal eyes have beheld the bottom of the Gate of Shadows. Neither magic nor technology can pierce its depths. It is a jagged maw cutting through the world. It breaches the surface on its northern end, and from that breach raiding parties of Gnomes go out to steal and pillage the surrounding kingdoms.

Localized Phenomena

The Gate of Shadows is impossibly dark. Perhaps the concentrated fear auras of the monsters within its depths causes the darkness to be impenetrable. Perhaps there is some kind of crystal or gas that causes all light to be extinguished in the depths of The Abyss.


There is always a dampness to the air of the Gate. Items left out uncovered will be covered in a thick dew. Thankfully, the Gates are cool at most times of the year, the Gate's location underground making it almost immune to the ebb and flow of seasons on the surface. There is also a consistent breeze in the Great Chasm. The breeze, dampness, and relatively sheltered nature of the Gate allows the temperature to always be mild.

Fauna & Flora

Most creatures and plants that call the Underworld their home reside in or around the Gate of Shadows. The special creatures of the Gate are the Nameless Things that reside beyond the exploitable area of the Great Chasm.

Natural Resources

The Gnomes who occupy the Gate have access to a massive supply of useful ores and various types of stone. They also are able to tap into a reasonably large vein of Mana Crystals. Given the craftmanship of Gnomes, it's no surprise their raiding parties are well equipped for their work.


The only group of people who could be considered "tourists" of the Gate are the slaves brought in by the Gnome raiders. Occasionally, Dwarf scouts will survey the Gnome's kingdom, but outside of slaves and Dwarves, the Gate of Shadows is only a thing of legend. The Gate is regarded as a story told to children so they'll behave. It is a gaping maw from which all the horrible things that go bump in the night spew forth.
Alternative Name(s)
The Abyss, The Great Chasm, The Black Maw
Location under


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