Vitallia The Pure Lion of Lothen
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The Pure Lion of Lothen

Civil action


In 1480 AC, under the reign of Destin Whiteshield of Lothen, the movement of the “Pure Lion” was created and supported by the king and certain powerful families. The movement wanted the banishment of the vampires from the kingdom and the cancellation of their authority regarding political and military matters. King Destin supported the idea and became known as “Destin the Pure”. He sent Akreyn Thiaspis away and ordered the crucifixion of all the vampires of Lothen. The movement found great support from the common people, and massive inner conflicts occurred, in a time filled with assassinations, attacks and highly increased crime. Large numbers of people fled the capital and the kingdom during the next years. The movement seized to exist along with the end of Destin Whiteshield’s reign in 1520 AC.

Related timelines & articles
Chronicles of Vitallia
History of Lothen