Serperia Character in Vitallia | World Anvil
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Serperia, a legendary sea monster and one of the Children of the Sentinel, is known to dwell in the waters near the Isle of Akra in the southern seas. Unlike some of its fearsome counterparts, Serperia is said to have never fully awakened from its slumber. Instead, the colossal sea creature is known to stir from its hibernation periodically, entering short spells of activity to feed before retreating back into its deep and mysterious slumber. The presence of Serperia, even in its intermittent awakenings, casts a shadow of awe and trepidation over the waters surrounding the Isle of Akra. The legend of this sea monster, with its cyclical patterns of activity and dormancy, adds an air of mystique to the southern seas, leaving sailors and inhabitants of the region in a state of anticipation and reverence for the colossal creature that resides beneath the waves.
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