Tagizdam Ascendancy Wars Military Conflict in Visten | World Anvil
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Tagizdam Ascendancy Wars

The Tagizdam Ascendancy wars were a series of military campaigns undertaken by Tagizdam, The Western Kingdom.   Before the wars, Tagizdam was a minor city state led by the Aqildik Family. This changed with the ambitions of Rikis Aqildik who borrowed money from The Qarzen Family of The Black Rift to construct a tunnel through the mountains against which Tagizdam had been built. The tunnel he named The Aqildik Highway and it gave, for the first time, easy access to Solnater, The Great Salt Sea.   This did not sit well with Nberezt, Kingdom in the Mountain and Kovaln, the Kindom of the Eight Anvils which had long struggled for supremacy of Solnater. An alliance was soon made between them and the first war in the series of Tagizdam Ascendancy wars began with an offensive by its enemies.   The Tagizdamian military was initially highly successful in the war despite being outnumbered. Walker technology at the time was still in its infancy and so the infantry based armies of Nberezt and Kovaln struggled against the Tagizdamian's more cavalry based army. Their offensive was repelled and with the rapid approach of The Tempest hostilities were ceased.   A follow-up war began once The Illusions next began. This time the aggression came from Tagizdam, which launched a simultaneous surprise assault on both Nberezt and Kovaln. A siege of both cities then began.   However, the simultaneous sieges stretched the Tagizdam military too thin and angered the Senfid Aidarii which had remained outside of the conflict. Custodea Aidarii were dispatched to aid the sieged cities and Tagizdam was forced to retreat.   At this point, the war between the Tagizdam Ascendancy Wars ended because Teolihullo, The Saurian Theocracy decided to use the chaos to its advantage and attack the Solnater region. A hasty alliance between Tagizdam, Kovaln, Nberezt and the Senfid was made and the War of Differing Lights began. By the end of that war, Tagizdam was well established as a Solnater power and the other two cities were far too weakened to argue otherwise.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign

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