Dorren Dawncrown Character in Vhakatshũ | World Anvil
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Dorren Dawncrown

King Dorren Dawncrown

King Dorren Dawncrown, king of The Kingdom of Savassan, tries to remain separate from the plots and intrigues of his court. He wishes to rule without influence from the nobility talking in his ears and trying to get their ideas through, though sometimes it is impossible to avoid giving in. Right now he wants nothing more than to save the people in the northern parts of his land from the incursions of the Sylvan Enclave. Throughout his rule, a reign that has so far lasted nearly 350 years, he has seen their forests swallow up more and more of his land, displacing his people or outright killing them. Given the general outlook of his population, it would be a struggle to raise them to war, train them, and even keep them fighting on the battlefield. No, King Dawncrown must rely on the aid of mercenary companies and other countries, a reliance that will always prove to be fickle, especially after multiple centuries.   Dawncrown has the support of many, and the hatred of an equal number. He was born after the fall of the Empire, separated from it by two whole generations, and doesn't follow the same traditions that every other king has followed. This has led many elves who still respect and follow the kingdom's traditions from the Imperial days to lose respect for him. The biggest of these transgressions was the King's marriage: it isn't normal for a ruler to get married and have a successor from their own lineage. Dawncrown's choice to do so is proof that he is defying Savassan in the eyes of many.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dorren Dawncrown was brought up in House Dawncrown and was always taught to be kind to those around him. he was also taught the rules and customs of noble and court life and was expected to serve as a squire or important courtier. Dawncrown often had trouble remembering people's names, leading him to make many mistakes in conversations with others, embarrassing himself in the process. This led him to become disenchanted with the politics of court, moving further and further away from what his parents had expected of him. All of his mishaps did lead him to become very confident, and he rarely dwells on the words of others.   As the previous ruler, [NAME NEEDED], was nearing the end of his life, Dorren was selected as the successor to the surprise of nearly everyone in the court. [NAME NEEDED] believed he was the right choice because he would be a stalwart leader who wouldn't just idly follow the words of the court and could make his own decisions. Dorren's rule has had its fair share of problems, but overall he has the respect of his people and most of his court.

Personality Characteristics


The good of the kingdom and its people, regardless of the traditional way of doing things.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Bad with names


Religious Views

King Dawncrown holds high reverence for Savassan (despite what many in the kingdom think) but also believes that Savassan would want the kingdom to move forward and try new things rather than remain stuck in the same traditions it has had for thousands of years, traditions it has kept in an attempt to make itself look like the empire.

Social Aptitude

Dawncrown can be a very social person when he needs to be, but the social environment of his court is one he does not often enjoy. He tends to remain in the palace rooms with his family, only going to his court when he has business to take care of.


Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of Savassan, Duke of Issthyr and Sellone, Baron of Issthyr and Bellfort.
Current Residence
Starshine Palace
Bright Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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