Stoneridge Settlement in Vestria v2 | World Anvil
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A major hub for commerse, Stoneridge serves as one of the great cities of the North.


Stoneridge is a predominant Human city with a significant amount of Elves and Half Elves also serving as inhabitants.   The city hosts a wide range of social and economic classes from impoverish beggars and poor laborers to wealthy leaders of business and noble houses. As a hub for commercial trades, many guilds are set up within its borders, especially the Craftsmen Guild.


The city is ruled jointly by the Council of Guilds and House Mesner. The Mesner Head of House presides as executive over the city, overseeing taxes, law enforcement, and infrastructure while the council provide regulations for trade.


The city is well fortified with stone battlements reaching three stories tall with gate houses placed at all roads and rivers leading inside.

Industry & Trade

Home to nearly every type of guild under the sun, the flow of commerse both within and out of Stoneridge is a healthy circulation.


Thanks in no small part to the presense of artificers and other craftsmen that the guild likes to boast, Stoneridge is one of the most well developed cities in the kingdom.    From paved roads and bridges over the various canals to rows of watermills and riverdocks, the city can handle not only the people who call it home, but their seemingly constant need to grow as well.


  • Elven Quarter: a neighborhood where the majority of those of Elven decent make their home. While few would call it the most upscale of areas, it provides a place where Elves can observe their traditions without interference they might overwise receive will in the city.
  • Summerst: middle-class lodgings for those of decent standing within the community.
  • Holly Heights: a wealthy collection of houses dotted along the hills overlooking the northern inlets of the Lach Mesner. Home to captains of industry and nobles alike.
  • Entertainment: taverns, theatre houses, and more. 
  • Shopping: find everything you could need from groceries to crafted tools to the finest fabrics. This is also where many private crafting shops set up their businesses and even their living accomodations.
  • Guild Lane: A civil section of the city where the main buildings for most of the local guilds stand. The end of the street hosts the Council building where the guild leaders to discuss and ratify regulations.

Guilds and Factions

  • Craftsmen Guild
  • Merchants Guild
  • Shipping Guild
  • Thieves Guild


Stone construction is what lead to Stoneridge earning its name. As a city nearly as much on the water as it is on land, strong foundation is needed to support the roads and buildings over the marshy soil.   From there, homes and other buildings are typically built from brick and mortar for at the first floor. Those that don't have the brickwork extend upwards will often have the upper floors constructed in a Tudor-styled fashion.


Built partially over and around Lach Mesner, Stoneridge takes advantage of both the waterways and rocky hills that make up the local terrain.


Summers are rather temperate, the northern climate warding off the worst of the summer heat. However, there is still some humidity coming off the Lach and rivers.   Winters are much more challenging as the freezing temperatures can lead to the broader Lach and canals icing over. The river inlets are usually safe as the constant flow of water is more resistant to freezing.

Natural Resources

The Lach and its tributaries provide a source of fishing and natural mechanical power via waterwheels. The rivers also provide ample trading routes in and out of the city and across the kingdom.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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