Session 37 - Frothy Waters Report in Vestra | World Anvil

Session 37 - Frothy Waters

General Summary

34 Amberspell

Gathering in the dining room, the party broke their fast with a breakfast buffet. After the initial round of kava and and when the eating had slowed, Denye spoke up, "So are we still heading back to Cliffside? Frankly, Darnet Hall gives me the creeps and earlier we leave the better."

Jilken leaned back with her mug in hand and nodded vigorously, "I tend to agree. Unless any of y'all have something here that needs doing, I say we move on."

Ell shook his head, "Nothing that I have left to do. I've sent word on to Haven regarding Gorscha and I assume his body has been taken care of...we usually have people for that."

As several of the party members looked askance at Ell, there was a knock at the door and an older (mostly) human woman stepped inside. The strong features of her face were capped with a tight knot of silver hair, mostly covered by a white lace cap. Her dress was a fine wool underdress of rust red and a satin overdress of Darnet blue, complete with large bustle. A crisp black apron and large set of keys completed the ensemble.

Coming just inside the room, she gave Ell the barest sketch of a curtsy and said, "Good morning Master Ell. I heard you had a bit of an accident yesterday. Are you well?"

Ell blinked quickly and smiled before responding, "Oh yes, Mrs. Coldren, I am fine. Just a simple stumble, not even a bruise."

"Well, that is a blessing," replied the housekeeper, "It certainly caused quite a stir among the servants. I would hate to have to tell Lady Elise that you had been injured so soon after the death of her older son."

"I do hate to cause a stir," said Ell with a deadpan expression, "but you know how the servants love to talk. I'm sure the story has grown in the telling as well."

"Very true," replied Mrs Coldren, "Will you and your friends be staying long? Your mother and sister should be here sometime this afternoon or evening."

Ell snapped his fingers and shook his head, "Such unfortunate luck, my friends and I have just agreed that we needed to go back to Cliffside. A few loose ends to tie up and all that."

The housekeeper nodded, "Indeed, then I shall be happy to pass on word to your mother that you are well and about the family business. I have already given instruction to the Bonekeeper to prepare your brother's body for burial."

"I'm sorry," said Denye, breaking into the conversation, "Did you say Bonekeeper?"

Looking surprised at the question, the woman nodded, "But of course. What else would you call someone who tends to the family crypts?"

Denye cocked her head to the side before saying, "Ahh, yes I suppose that is a literal description. Still, it does sound rather creepy."

Leaning forward, Janora grinned wolfishly and said, "I dunno, seems like a great name to me."

Turning back to Ell, Mrs Coldren gave a short bob of the head and said, "Very well, I shall let you and your company get on your way. Safe travels." Backing out of the still open door, she pulled it shut behind her.

After she left all eyes turned back to Ell who was silent for a long minute before looking around and saying, "I think that is our queue to leave. Unless anyone is still hungry, let's grab the packs and head down to the stable."

The weather was pleasant, a brisk cool day with a heavy breeze and racing clouds overhead. Once off the estate and back on the road, several of the party members began to breathe a bit easier. Jilken and Ironheart took the lead and the party made good time westward.

By midday, the clouds had begun to thicken and after only a brief stop to water the horses, stretch, and do the needful, the group pressed on. An hour or so after that Jilken held up a fist as Ironheart came to a stop. Throught the mental link she said, "Fight ahead, sounds like beasts of some kind. I think they are attacking someone." Moving slowly and quietly, the party approached and coming up over a hill saw four large snakelike lizards with hind legs and large wings attacking Gavin Tinkertop, the gnome they had met in Cliffside.

As they got closer, Janora asked, "What are those things?"

"Wyverns," replied Ell shortly.

"Indeed," said Denye nodding, "One of the lesser draconic races. No one is quite sure if they were a product of the Mage Storms or the creation of one of the wizards pre-Cataclysm. While there is not a huge population, most wyverns live off the southern coast of Ellebore and will often attack boats or travelers along the Shipward Road." Realizing that the others had stopped listening and were getting ready for the fight, Denye trailed off, "Or at least that's what I've read..."

Jilken waited only long enough to get confirmation about what kind of animals these were, before pulling out her heavy crossbow and sending a bolt into the neck of one of the wyverns closing on Gavin. Dropping the bow on it's strap, she pulled up the Reaper and sent a second bolt into the other creature before urging Ironheart into a gallop toward the scene.

Ell surveyed the scene quickly and cast Mage Armor on himself before hiding behind a bush. Seeing the party coming to his rescue, Gavin rallied and swung at one of the nearby beasts. The first swing sliced into a thigh, but the second bounced off a patch of thick scales.

Yelling, "Stay close to me," Vellikar cast Aura of Vitality and a dome around the druid began to sparkle with tiny little lights. Janora had the Giant Raven land near the tinker. Slipping off it's back the witch attempted to communicate with the wyvern, but it only hissed and screeched in response. Shrugging their shoulders, Janora lifted a hand and pointed the crow claw at the beast and cast Witchbolt, the bolt of power hitting it square in the chest.

Taking a cue from Janora, Ranunkel lifted his staff and sent a bolt of lightning at the flying wyvern. The creature screeched in pain before flying directly at the stout druid. Snapping it's jaws on air as the dwarf stepped back, the wyvern sent it's tail whipping at Ranunkel, sinking it's stinger deep. At the same time, one of the other monsters on the ground charged Jilken and snapped it's jaws around her arm. In response the elf sent lightning down her arm and into the creature mouth. As it pulled away, the beast whipped it's stinger at Jilken, stabbing her in the thigh. Seeing Gavin as the weaker target, the other wyvern on the ground snapped at the gnome but he deflected it with his shortsword. He was not however quick enough to dodge that stinger and the monster quickly pumped him full of venom and Gavin collapsed to the ground.

Seeing this Denye let out a small cry of alarm before throwing up both claws and calling up a Storm Sphere. Shielding Jilken and Ironheart from the raging winds, the wizard managed to catch two of the beasts and they rocked back as the wind tore at their wings. As the storm raged, a lighting bolt shot out and slammed into the monster who loomed over the tinker's body.

Jilken, protected from the effects of Denye's storm by a barely visible golden shield, whipped out her lance and swung twice at the creature that had attacked her. It writhed out of the way of the first strike, but the second bit deep into a shoulder. Ell jumped out and fired off two Eldritch Blasts. The strike at the one harassing Ranunkel went wide, but the other hit and Jilken swung at it with the lance as it got knocked back.

Vellikar pointed at Ranunkel and the lights of the dome swarmed around the dwarf, healing him. Calling up a shard of ice in one hand, the firbolg threw the Ice Knife at the wyvern attacking his friend. The sharp ice bit deep into the creatures hide before exploding and showering both it, Ranunkel, and Denye in flying bits of ice. As the wizard was hit, the storm vanished as she lost concentration on the evocation.

Still concentrating on the witchbolt, Janora sent another pulse of power into the connection as the giant raven divebombed the wyvern that had been knocked prone. The monster managed to slip of the claws, but the large bird managed to sink a deep bite before flying higher. As the raven did so, the wyvern snapped at it and got it's own bite in.

Growling at the wyvern in front of him, Ranunkel cast Healing Word on himself and backed up five feet. Turning to the other nearby target, the wyvern snapped at Denye, the wizard danced out of the way. She wasn't quick enough to escape the claws and they caught her wing, leaving gashes in the muscle and breaking several feathers. The prone wyvern leapt into the air above and between Jilken and Janora and bit at the Aiel fighter, this time catching a leg, and once more the elf sent a shot of lighting into the beast. Backing away with a squeal, the monster whipped it's tail at Janora piercing their leg. The other wyvern, not liking the witchbolt at all, picked up the tinker's body in it's mouth and leapt into the sky and began to fly out over the ocean, trying to escape the witch.

Denye looked up at the wyvern that had attacked her and said, "Now you've annoyed me." Holding up a claw in a pitching stance, the wizard cast Scorching Ray and sent three blasts at the beast. Two struck, leaving smoldering craters where the scales had been blown off.

Jilken, sensing a need to end this quickly, took her spear and swung twice at the wyvern she was engaged with. The first strike cut a deep gash in one of the thighs, while the second slammed into the lower jaw and up into the brain. With a final jolt of electricity, the monster jerked and fell to the ground. Wheeling Ironheart around, the fighter sent the Shin'a'in war mare galloping into the the beast and trampling it's tail.

Looking out to sea and the fleeing wyverns, Ell pulled out the Rod of Passage and quickly cast Dimension Door on himself. The young man vanished in a flash of shadows and reappeared in the air, just in front of the tinker. Before gravity had a chance to pull him down into the sea, Ell quickly grabbed onto Gavin's body with both arms and legs. Seeing this Vellikar Wildshaped into a Giant Eagle and quickly took off after the wyverns and her new friend.

Janora's giant raven raked at the last standing wyvren, but this one too dodged the claws only to be bit by the sharp beak. Ranunkel repositioned himself and lifting his staff sent another lightning bolt, through the nearby wyvern and hitting the one with Gavin and Ell dangling out of it's mouth. Both flying wyverns flew southward trying to escape with their meal. The one wyvern on the ground was too enraged and filled with battle lust. It bit at Jilken, but the elf knocked the beast away with the butt of her spear. Ranunkel was not so lucky as it's stinger found purchase in an arm.

Denye looked at the escaping creatures and threw a Fireball at the two beasts. The wyvren who had been hovering off shore let out a screech of pain as the one carrying Ell and Gavin convulsed and went limp. Ell managed to keep ahold of Gavin as the mouth opened and all three began falling to the ocean some 100ft below.

Jilken yelled, "Vellikar, catch them," before she turned to the remaining beast. Ironheart reared and lashed out with front hooves, knocking the wyvern over. As it fell Jilken stabbed downwards with the spear and pinned the beast right behind the head, severing the spine and frying nerves with a jolt of electricity.

As Ell and the tinker began to fall, the warlock used the Rod of Passage once more to cast Dimension Door and the two of them tumbled out onto the road near Denye and Janora. Vellikar clearly wanted to pursue the last surviving monster, but seeing that his friends were safe turned back towards shore. Denye quickly cast Cure Wounds on the tinker and with a sharp intake of breath the gnome's eyes fluttered open.

As Gavin sat up he said, "Thank you all, those beasties were a nightmare. You all look about how I feel. I've got just the thing." Walking back over to his cart, which had been overturned, he flipped it back onto it's wheels and began rummaging through one chest. With a triumphant cry he pulled out a bottle of some amber liquid. Pulling the lid off, he took a long swig. Smiling broadly, he held out the bottle. "Please sit for a bit and try this brandy."

Ranunkel took the bottle and sniffed at it before asking, "This has healing properties?"

"Goodness no," replied Gavin with a laugh, "only alcoholic properties. But it will help you forget how much you hurt."

"Now that I can get behind," laughed Jilken before toasting her friends and downing a heavy slug of her own.

"Haven't I seen you folks before?" asked Gavin looked back and forth between the various party members. "Yes, it was a few days ago in Cliffside. How strange to meet you again on the road back."

"Not really," said Denye with a sigh, "We're on our way back there."

"Well then," smiled Gavin, "I guess it was just my luck that you are. May I ask, what business takes you back? Looking to become fisherfolk?"

"The unfinished kind," replied Ell flatly, flashing a glance at Jilken.

Apparently not catching the look, Gavin nodded, "Aye, the unfinished kind can be the worst. Thank you all again for coming to my aid. I don't think I could have, well I clearly didn't...if it wasn't for you I would, they would, they woulda had me."

"Well," said Denye as she began helping Janora treat their wounds, "we were here and they didn't, so... Any idea what they were after or did you just stumble on a nest?"

Gavin shrugged, "I think they were just hungry. The beasties live off some islands off the coast to the south. Bay, but they have been known to attack lone travelers now and again along the coast. Usually in the spring tho, must be doing some last minute hunting before going into winter hibernation."

"An island you say," said Denye cocking her head, "Interesting."

Ell asked, "Do you know anything else about this island?"

Gavin shook his head, "Can't really say, never been out there myself. All I can say for certain is that the buggers generally fly off in a southwestern direction. Some sailors did tell me once that the islands were shattered pillars of rock that were bits of land that escaped the reach of the Cataclysm. Can't imagine anyone wanting to visit them."

Leaning forward Jilken looked at Ell and asked, "What do you think are the chances of your friend being out on one of these islands."

Ell got defensive and said, "Hey now, he's not my buddy. But it doesn't sound like a bad idea either."

Gavin looked on curiously and asked, "You talking about that problem you all came to Cliffside to deal with? The attacking plants and that nasty sounding tree? Iffin you are, you might wanna know that there was a bit of a ruckus this morning."

Ranunkel asked, "What kind of ruckus?"

Gavin shook his head, "Strangest thing, some of the night fisherfolk came in reporting seeing two galleons flying the Crown flag sailing into the Bay. And then, few hours after dawn, one of the ships showed up at the dock! A buncha Haven guards came over and started asking a lot of questions about smugglers and the like."

The stout dwarf turned to Ell and asked, "Do you think this has anything to do with your brother?"

Laughing shakily, Ell said, "You know, I honestly can't guess. It might..."

"Well," said Jilken with a disgruntled tone, "if anything it sounds like someone else has already flushed our quarry."

As the others were talking Janora harvested the stingers from both of the dead beasts. On the first one, they cut into the poison sac while removing the spike. Denye, who was also making sketches and taking samples, quickly swept in with a glass vial and collected most of the poison. Forewarned about the anatomy Janora was able to collect the second spike with a full poison sac.

As the party began to gather themselves to get back on the road, Gavin came around and insisted on shaking everyone's hand. As each of the party did so they found 2pp in their hand as the tinker moved on to the next. After shaking the last hand, he quickly climbed on his bike and with a final wave headed on towards Duskcairn.

Turning in the opposite direction the party mounted and continued their interrupted journey towards Cliffside. As the afternoon progressed the clouds above began to thicken and an hour or so before sunset, a cold steady rain began to fall. The rain quelled much of any conversation and the it was a few hours later that they were able to leave the horses at the stable and make their way over to the Salty Siren.

As the team pushed through the door and into the common room, they were greeted by Arden, the innkeeper. Without much fuss, the party were able to acquire rooms, hot baths, and food. Several of team decided to have dinner in their rooms and retire with a hot stone in the bed. Spotting a table of Haven guards, Ell decided to eat in the common room and Denye and Jilken joined him.

After a filling and warming meal, Ell made his way over to the table of guards and asked, "I was just wondering, I don't think I've seen many Haven guards down this way. I heard there was a bit of a scuffle this morning, it sounded important."

"Not really all that much of a ruckus," replied a human with short spiky black hair and sergeant stripes, "Just a bit of a raid. We got a report of a nearby sea cave that was being used by smugglers so two companies came down to take a look."

"Wow," said Ell, "That sounds very exciting. Did you find anything?"

The sergeant shurgged, "Whole lotta nothing mostly. We did manage to confiscate a half-dozen crates of Mirage, but all the bastards managed to barricade the door and escaped out a back entrance as we were breaking it down. By the time we got up to that there barn, they had scattered to the four winds ."

Ell shook his head and said sympathetically, "That does sound rather unfortunate. Let me buy you all a round of drinks in appreciation for all the hard work you do keeping us safe."

"Oh aye," replied the man chuckling, "We ain't never said no to a free drink, ain't that right boys?" The rest of the table erupted in cheers and whistles and stepping over to the bar Ell quickly arranged for a round to be delivered to the table. Gathering his friends, they all made their ways up to their rooms and sought their beds.

35 Amberspell

The next morning over breakfast, Jilken brought up the smugglers, "It's clear they saw those guards coming from a mile away. Now, do you think they would be stupid enough to go back? Or do you think they found some other place to hide...maybe one of those islands?"

"They might go back if they left something behind," agreed Denye. "I didn't get the feeling they were very creative thinkers."

"So we need a boat," said Jilken nodding.

Ranunkel asked, "What are we in Cliffside for again?"

Ell shurgged, "Jilken is here to hunt down Grol Evenoak, if that's even his name. I think the rest of us are here to go looking for a Bell. Maybe check out the wyvern islands."

Janora nodded, "We should go speak with Avelia Shoalsands, at the Hidden Treasure. She was the one who warned us about the seaweed blights. She should know something about what's down there as well."

After breakfast the party split with the majority going over to the shop while Jilken headed down to the docks to see about acquiring the services of a boat. Making her way down the switchback stairs, Jilken saw that there were two boats currently tied up at the dock. One of the crafts did not seem to have anyone about, but there was an older half-orc coiling ropes on the deck of the second.

Approaching and introducing herself, Jilken learned that his name was Captain H’ralk Stormwave. He was amenable to taking a charter and the two settled into haggling. In the end Jilken wagered an arm-wrestling contest for a discount. It was a good struggle with both managing to gain the upper hand before losing it once more, but in the end Captain Stormwave won. Losing gracefully, Jilken tossed him the coin and promised to be back shortly with the rest of the crew. Heading back to the switchback stairs carved into the face of the cliffside, she began making her way back up to town to find her friends.

While Jilken had been occupied, the others paid a visit to Ms. Shoalsands. She was quite pleased to see Janora again as well others. She was rather astonished to hear that they were thinking of going to the bottom of the Bay, but Avelia couldn't think of an large magical sources below the waves. The half-orc shopkeeper did tell them that there was a large crack or chasm at the very bottom where the water was warm. She hadn't explored further due to the giant crabs that could camouflage their shells to blend into the seabed.

"The bowl of the Bay is quite deep," explained Avelia, "the Cataclysm carved a deep scar on the plate of the continent. Frankly it's a miracle it didn't shatter the planet. But by the Huntress's grace it didn't and that was then, now the Bay is home to quite a few variety of changed species, both plant and animal. I tend to stick to the nearer seabed further down the coast, but as long as you keep your wits about you, it shouldn't be too difficult. Unless you run into a Sahagun patrol...they have been particularly edgy and difficult as of late."

"Sahuagun?" asked Janora puzzled.

Denye nodded, "Seapeople, a kind of frog/fish humanoid hybrid."

Janora asked, "Intelligent? Could we try to reason with them?"

Ms. Shoalsands shrugged, "Intelligent as any other race. I've had dealings with them in the past, but as I said, lately they seem to be worked up over something."

Changing the subject slightly, Denye asked, "What about the wyverns? We heard they had nests on islands out off the coast."

"Aye," agreed Avelia, "there are a few islands at the very edge of the bowl. I think they were once the edges of the coastline before the crater. Most are bare stubs of rock, but there are a couple big enough for nesting. As I recall, there were even some ruins on one."

Unable to think of any other questions, the party took a look at a couple of new items that the shopkeeper had recovered from a recent drive. One item was a 1ft square wooden box, fitted with a stout lock. It appeared that at one time a name had been stamped or painted on top, but most of it had been obliterated and all that remained was half an 'S', followed by some space and 'od', more space and what looked an 'er'.

Ell volunteered to open it, but Avelia insisted on selling it locked, saying she enjoyed the mystery of the sale. When the young man baulked, Denye quickly handed over the good. The Corva wizard also picked up a beautifully inlaid porcelain quill pin made to look like a peacock feather. Janora was quite interested in a strange footlong black candle inlaid with runic sigils.

Before they left, Ell insisted on opening the box. Pushing open the lid, the young man found that the box was three-quarters full of canary feathers. Confused, he turned to Denye and then Aveila. She laughed., "I don't really understand it myself, but every once in a while I will find one of these boxes. From the other three, I am fairly sure the name is Schrodinger. I don't know who or what that may be, but the boxes are always locked and no two have held the same thing. I think the most surprising was the one that had a kitten inside it."

Shaking their heads at the explanation, the party bid Avelia good day and went outside to meet back up with Jilken. The Aiel fighter was just entering the village green and waved them over. After a quick discussion everyone agreed that they should go look at the bottom of the Bay. Turning on her heel, Jilken led them back down to the docks and the waiting captain. As the crew climbed onboard, the old half-orc asked, "Any of you know how to sail? No, then sit down and keep yourself outta my way. It's a clear day...we aren't likely to have too many problems. Did you all have a destination in mind or just felt like taking to the sea for the day?"

Ell smiled at the man, "We'd like to visit the middle of the Bay or as close as you could get. We're planning a bit of diving this afternoon."

Blinking slowly, Captain Stormwave nodded, "Fair enough, should be there in a few hours." As the party found spots on the deck to sit, the old half-orc untied the boat from the dock and raised the sails. Within minutes he had brought the boat around and began heading out toward the center of the Bay.
Report Date
03 Dec 2021
Primary Location
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