Orcs Ethnicity in Vestra | World Anvil



In general, Orcs of Vestra tend toward lean muscle over more hulky types. Distinctive for their deep blue skin with a coal black hair and intricate tattoos, orcs tend to stick to their ships and only visit land occasionally.

Average Characteristics

  • Age: Orcs reach adulthood at age 12 and live up to 50 years.
  • Size: Orcs are usually 5-6 feet tall and weigh between 180 and 230 pounds.
  • Language: Orcish


Orcs can be found in all of the major ports of both Ellebore and Umberfell and all of the oceans in between. They also have secret home on the oceans that few outsiders have ever heard of, let alone seen.


For long years the orcs kept to themselves. Claiming to have been born of the sea, few know much of their history. As several of the other races of the Vestra found the sea they met the orcs. Some of the meeting were good, many of them were not.