Letter to Ell from Queen Ashkevron Document in Vestra | World Anvil

Letter to Ell from Queen Ashkevron

Young Lord Darnet,

Thank you for taking interest in the welfare of our city. I really cannot fathom why Veterial allows such things to continue. But yes, we are quite aware of the recent movement of Shado as well as their most recent contacts within the city.

We have also learned that you and your friends are also to thank for removing that shambling mound from the sewers. Were you perhaps able to learn anything about what brought such a monster to our city?

If you come upon any further information about The Shado, please feel free to pass it along. We suspect that they are involved in some sort of smuggling operation, most likely this new drug Mirage that have been flooding our streets of late. If you are interested in taking a more active role in the kingdom, I would suggest there.

On an unrelated note, did you happen to have any interaction with Tolvan Ainsoss during your recent visit? My guards have informed me of the brief meeting at the palace. But we have been unable to locate him, it seems he left the palace and vanished.   From the hand of Lady Askhevron, Queen of Paxtopa