BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Write about a disease with an unknown origin in your world. How do people treat it?

Transmission & Vectors

Corruption can be transmitted to anyone feeling strong negative emotions by anyone who already has it. through the air by spores released by an infected individual's lungs or by touch.


swelling and redness and a change blood color to an orange-ish color. mental symptoms range from mild hallucinations to fits of rage.


the easiest treatment for the disease is to overcome the strong negative emotion that gave you it in the first place whether it be violent rage and hate to crippling sadness or disgust to trembling fear or sinful pride. another way to treat it is feeding or injecting a corrupted individual with amber that happens to be a cure all for most diseases.


stage 1.infection: redness on the area of infection or pain in the chest if disease is spread by air.
stage 2.extreme emotions: feelings start to go in big waves, redness starts to spread to the rest of the body, blood and veins start to turn orange.
stage 3.loss of conscience: loss of individuality will occur once rash has spread to the whole body and pustules filled with blood start to form.


the longer someone has been corrupted the longer it takes to fully recover

Affected Groups

anyone with intense negative emotions, the less powerful the person the less powerful the feeling has to be

Hosts & Carriers

Corenissil is the original host of corruption.


the original source of corruption is Corenissil who is the first one to get the virus also somehow making him the fullness of the hivemind that is the corruption. Correnissal then spread the virus to others and them to more people eventually mutating it to the pustule and rash giving disease that it is today

Cultural Reception

people see it as a curse and deadly force of destruction to be reckoned with. people are terrified of its possible return
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital


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