Worldbuilding Prompts

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Maybe they don't know what causes this disease? Perhaps its supernatural or alien! Write about the different current theories of what causes this disease, as well as how they treat it and manage the symptoms! Watch the video for inspiration on worldbuilding diseases!

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Answers to this prompt

Withering Sands

by Jester%

The Storm Plague

by invadersforever

Cloud of Ash

by hughpierre

Unicorn derangement

by Sloqush

Forma Rot

by BCGR_Wurth


by Goose masta 3000

Plumbumaic Osis

by Hosios-DynTheCreator

The Shivers

by Solstice

Black Bile Plague

by Voxx Broadcast

Black Spot

by P00TISpanda


by Beldane


by Ethan Deeb1


by pwielgus

Crimson Veil

by Dr_Hoot

Der Silberrückenhusten

by Luxken


by Abaddon

Dracorage Plague

by SlyKuga

Elvin Affliction

by RTralidas

Enju's Projection

by kdgillespie14

Felle's Kiss

by FawksiLox


by Midvinterdraken

Giant's itch or Stone Curse

by The Edgy DM

Grave Rot

by 1Cthlhu1

Hell's Plague

by The -Creator-

Ichor Rot

by greentop

La maldición de los Renegados

by deadsteve21

Laughing madness

by DyslexicMoose


by Scalenex


by Goldenkni9ht


by Umbreonpanda

Pine Pox

by jaredmcdaris

Quake Fever

by steelfeet

Red Blight

by JDwol

Resting Death

by rnbowcabbage

Sargot's Curse

by PapaRocks

The Black Huntsman Disease

by Choice Minis

The burning plauge

by shammrock

The Cold Death

by SquirticusMaximus

The Devouring

by AnarchisticBiscuit

The Gray Wasting

by Javak

The Grey Waste

by GaracaiusMendalus

The Wailing plague

by Herr_Wilhelm101

Winter Limb

by snaxel

Yellow Blight

by cal-the-dragon

Yellow Death

by Knight7725

Магическая Лихорадка | Magic F...

by palka1220

* In order for your article to appear here it must be at least 300 words long, published and public!

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