Mudpuffers Species in Veska | World Anvil
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Mudpuffers, or 'Mudpuffs', are a species of pufferfish found at the coastal waters of Dekarth.

Basic Information


Mudpuffs get their names for their tendency to roam around the bottom of the ocean. They aren't very bouyant and remain relatively slow compared to other fish, but make up for this through their ability to 'puff up' and inflate their bodies. This causes them to swell, leaving an array of sharp, venom-filled needles to protrude from their bodies. They can also do this at the floor; resembling a spiky 'puff'.   To further deter predators, a Mudpuff's skin is capable of flashing different colours at a whim. When inflating, this serves as a wordless warning to would-be predators.   Mudpuffs possess four sharp teeth that have fused together, resembling a beak that they use to crack through hard shells.

Ecology and Habitats

Mudpuffs are typically found around Dekarth due to their diet; they spend most of their time grazing and munching on the kelp forest. They are strictly saltwater fish but generally prefer more shallow waters to settle themselves on.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mudpuffs are omnivorous. They often float around to graze on kelp or algae. Despite that, their hardened beaks are also perfect for crunching through shells; and their primary prey are the crustaceans and snails found at the bottom of the ocean.   They dwell in the mud because their skin is capable of matching the colour of their environment, thus allowing unsuspecting crabs to approach them without noticing.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Though poison is outlawed in Dekarth, it isn't uncommon for underground Alchemists to make use of their venom due to its sticky properties. The venom that Mudpuffers produce is resistant to water, and can thus make dangerous toxins. These toxins can also be refined further and neutralized to create a glue or paste.   Mudpuffers are considered a high-class delicacy when prepared right; though such preparations are often reserved only for Chefs of very high esteem, and even then, the preparation of such a creature typically requires supervision to ensure that it's prepared correctly. That said, their meat is notably white, and has a somewhat sweet and unique flavor compared to most fish of the sea.
Average Weight
Up to 30 Pounds
Average Length
1~2 Feet
Geographic Distribution


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