Gladiator Profession in Veska | World Anvil
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Gladiatorial games are a common form of entertainment found across Dekarth; and is often an occupation for Grains to prove themselves beyond their position of slaves. Many cities across Dekarth have a colosseum solely dedicated to hosting gladiatorial combat.    The colosseum is a common source of entertainment for both the citizens and nobility of Dekarth, and it is a longstanding tradition for the Ra to host gladiatorial tournaments weekly.



Typically speaking, gladiators are Grains; a slave brought into Dekarth. Becoming a gladiator is often seen as the only true choice that a Grain ever makes, as it's rather uncommon for a Grain to be denied serving in the colosseum if they desire to prove themselves as a capable warrior.   Despite that, becoming a gladiator requires a lot of rigorous training exercises; physical fitness is important, and they're often trained to fight from a specific school of combat.

Other Benefits

Becoming a Gladiator is a quick way to earn fame, and is also among the only way for a grain to earn their wages should they prove themselves entertaining enough. Additionally, it's common tradition for the Dekarti capital to host a special tournament for the sole sake of ascending a gladiator beyond the status of Grain.


Social Status

Despite the fact that they're all technically made up from Grains, criminals, or prisoners, all Gladiators are often revered and respected in some shape way or form. They're often seen as celebrities, to the point that it isn't too uncommon for a citizen to become a gladiator in hopes of finding the same glory that many pit fighters find in the sands of the arena.


The Dekarti have always been a race that values valor and warfare; as a result, pit fights and duels have always been a common source of their entertainment, even since the Perosian times, it was very common for clans to gather prisoners or captured soldiers for the sole sake of pitting them against each other in a match to prove their worth -- or for the sheer entertainment.   This blood sport continued even when Dekarth was unified, and even happened during its unification. When the first conqueror united all of Dekarth, they often had prisoners prove themselves in front of a crowd of soldiers through a trial by combat. This trend simply continued in time, with Grains now being the main source of gladiators rather than a prisoner of war.
Good gladiators are a staple to Dekarti entertainment; and are highly valued.
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