Zehir Character in Vel'Kora | World Anvil
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Zehir, trickster God of Torrezon, God of evil, drought, destruction, and the desert. One of the major Gods of The Torrezon Pantheon. He is a dark God with a deep brooding mood, which is often reflected in his followers. Those who follow him are often in the line of mercenaries, killers for hire, or well trained assassins.    While he is associated with serpents, he openly hates serpents, as well as serpent like creatures, this is seen well in the holiday dedicated to him, Scales Judgement.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A coiled serpent.
A serpent coiled around  skull.
A serpent coiled around an Ankh.

Tenets of Faith

"The fool who trusts is the first who dies."
"The snake is to be trusted as the desert is to be wet."
"Less seen, more understood,"


Scales Judgement

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Zehir was one of the first Gods to choose to inhabit Torrezon. Despite this, he always felt cheated by his older brother, Osirant.   After Osirant and Sebakar brought the Human refugees to Torrezon, Zehir saw a chance to grow his power and enforce his true power and will upon the rest of the pantheon, and began to immediately gather followers and spread his influence through the new mortals. Unfortunately for him, Osirants' simple message of eternal peace after death and Zehirs' own pension for playing cruel tricks on his own followers caused him to loose much of the favor of the Human worshipers, and he was relegated to the shadows. He turned this to his advantage, and began to test the souls of the dead as they made their way to The Gate of the Dead, tempting them with power and taking those who lost their way for himself.   After centuries of amassing lost souls, he went to the rest of the Torrezon Pantheon and declared he deserved a realm all to himself, a place where he could set The Lost, as they had become known, to give them anchorage in the world beyond his own power. The Pantheon denied him this and he in turn unleashed The Lost on the town of Ahnuk, slaughtering all its inhabitants and claiming the place for his own. Hoping to seek greater glory, Zehir traveled in secret to Ssashan, and whispered to the Yaun ti God Bongani that the Human slaves who had escaped their clutches had in fact survived, and had made a land of their own to the west, in Torrezon. He had hoped, by doing this, that Ssashathan would attempt an attack, which the other Gods would ask for his and The Lost's assistance with driving off, and he would be rewarded greatly for doing so. During the conflict he killed three of the Ssashan Gods, including Bongani, but not before Bongani killed Nessumonthu and gravely wounded Osirant. Seeing the damage that Bonganis' poison had done to Osirants' form, Zehir knew there was nothing to be done, and chose to end his brothers suffering, killing him. The Pantheon of Torrezon was outraged by this act and cast him from his seat their rank, sending him into exile.   Worship of Zehir is suppressed and even banned in some places in the Valcoran Empire, and though he still holds a place within the Pantheon, it is in name only.


Family Ties

Father of Sebakar.
Brother of Osirant.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Mirage.
The Trickster of the Desert.
The Snake Father.
The Jackle Lord.
Aligned Organization


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