Old Fort Building / Landmark in Vedunia | World Anvil
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Old Fort

An ancient Baelon fort reclaimed by the Twins and used as the home of the Order of Baelar. This is where the Paladins, Clerics and Monks of Baelar are trained. The crusades done by the Order of Baelar are also rallied here, large amounts of soldiers and commoners are gathered here to march on in the name of their God.

Purpose / Function

The home to an order of Paladins funded by the crown of the Twins. This is where members of the holy order train and call home. The Order of Baelar use this location as their headquarters, recruiting the majority of their followers from the citizenry of the Twins.


A massive Iron statue of Baelar now exists in the center of the fort standing guard over all of the grounds. The fort is not built in three sections. The Diamond of the original fort still stands but two additional diamonds have been added. Each encapsulating the others and expanding the area protected by the fort.


Old Fort started as a fortress of the ancient city of Baelon during the Age of Strife. This fortress was untouched during the cities fall but all of the soldiers there had left to help defend their city. After the fall of Baelon the fort began to fall into ruin, but its walls were made of sturdy stone. Long after the fort became a ruin and beasts had made it their home Jon Jerece marched his army into the fort, reclaiming it. Shortly after claiming the fort he gifted it to the newly formed Order of Baelar. The Order has ever since been making additions to the fort.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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