Chivalier Isles Geographic Location in Vea | World Anvil
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Chivalier Isles


The Chivaleir Isles consist of a small number of islands of varying sizes. Many of the islands feature wildly different geography, from the barren wastelands of Meletar to the lush woods of Tír Na Nóg.   The Chivaleir Isles has greatly varying geography, depending on which nation and which island you're in. The Isles is made up of four main islands, each with different climates and topology:   Virtus is the island that has the countries Arthuria and Ourona. For the most part, the island is made up of grassy plains and hills. The centre of the island is made up of a mountain range spanning the length of the island, from which a number of rivers flow all across the island to the ocean. The fact that there is a large amount of rivers and lakes located around the island means that it's very easy for plants to grow, leading to a large amount of forests and wildlife. While quite a lot of the island is flat, there are a large number of hilly areas.   The Adamantine Island is the northernmost island, consisting of the nations Dracostan, Morer and Lashela. For the most part the island is rocky and very mountainous, and usually filled with mesas and cliffs. It was named after the prevalence of the rare metal adamantine in the island, which is far greater than the rest of the Chivalier, and even the wider planet.


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