Mograine's Ascension Myth in Vassala | World Anvil

Mograine's Ascension

"His blade, the size of 5, could cut mountains. His speed, the size of 15, could move him faster than the wind. His strength, the size of 25, could move buildings. His conviction, the size of a nation, could defeat any foe. Unfortunate it was for those that would challenge such a man, but then again, not one of us thought we would live to see the next sun that day." -Gellin Windyhoom, in Recounts of Eastern Realms Folklore


Mograine Lightbringer's conviction manifested itself in supernatural strength, giving Mograine enough power to single handedly protect his city and defeat an entire army of bandits. It is said that his speed, strength, blade, and destructive force became something only seen once before in Tjorm. Such is something that only rarely occurs. In addition, it is said that the true face of Rhonin was seen that day, shining down upon Mograine as he ascended up to the heavens.

Historical Basis

The myth is drawn from the recorded battle that is historically referred to as the Battle for Highguard, locally it is known as the Battle of Mograine.


Most in the Eastern Realm have heard Mograine's famous story before, and many all across the Iron Realms have heard his name at least once.

Variations & Mutation

Many say that Mograine destroyed the entire invading bandit force with a single blow, while others say that the battle was not fought by Mograine alone, and that the battle was fought with an equal sized force of Highguard. This is unlikely, as there are almost no accounts of any other combatants beside Mograine walking out onto that battle field, the entire discrepancy is bread from doubt and logical reasoning.

Cultural Reception

The story of Mograine and his ascension is one of the first stories that a Dalvashi tells their children while they are growing up. The tale is one that can be found influencing architecture and media across the entire kingdom. To other nations, however, it is a mere reminder of what a single person can be capable of, given the strength of one's conviction and belief.

In Literature

The tale has gone down in historical recounts as well as many Dalvashi stories, poems, paintings, and songs.

In Art

Most of the physical art that represents the event focuses on the size of Lightbane and how bright it glows in the face of the enemy. Traditionally, the foes are drawn with eyes glowing red, while Mograine's eyes are drawn with eyes glowing a bright yellow.
Date of Setting
Mid First Century PL
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