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On Vassala the only thing more dangerous than the mystical creatures that roam where man dare not go, is man itself. When the Arbiter first rose land from the sea, man took its first steps. But, man was not alone. Creatures larger than buildings and more destructive than fire walked over them, crushing them beneath their incredible power. Man was ambitious, though. Man was resourceful. Man formed tribes and civilizations. Soon, man formed an empire rallied under one goal, not to survive but to live. The empire was known as the Son Koyunlu or Last Sheep. Their unity was unmatched by the leviathans that walked Vassala’s vast lands. Soon these creatures fell, and they retreated to the depths of the world’s furthest reaches. Man’s unity was fragile, however. Beliefs and ideologies clashed, and soon, emotions took the better of man. War. Tribes and civilizations formed and fell. Empires built from nothing, and kingdoms shattered over the smallest disputes. Oppression and tyranny, freedom and democracy, no one empire could rule.   Present day, almost 850 years after the Great Clash, man has formed new empires and kingdoms. The Iron Realms have been split in two by the Great Clash but wars rage on nonetheless. Now, more than ever, though, the fate of Vassala hangs in the balance. The Queldash Empire of the Eastern Realm seeks the title of the Sole Empire. Its leader, Quel’Fasar, seeks to reunite man under one banner, and all those who would disagree or stand in his way are subject to him and his imperial army’s wrath. To the south of the Queldash Empire is Moradin, one of two remaining Dwarven kingdoms in the Iron Realms. The Queldash have offered the option of subjugation, but the Dwarven Lords of Moradin are not quick to surrender so easily, and so far, they have remained stalwart in their defense against the opposing empire. Caught in the crossfire of these two clashing forces lies Dallenvale, a relatively peaceful and tolerant land gathered under one common ideological belief, freedom. The people of Dallenvale make their living off of trading, farming, and crafting with not much in between. The people seek peace between lands as much as they seek for their own lands to remain safe. Though they will not sit idly by and let their freedom be stripped from their bare hands. The people of Dallenvale may not be the most adept in blade craft or archery, but what they are proficient in is their diplomatic skills. Securing an alliance with the Hill Giants in the North East of their province and the Fey to the South East has allowed them to repel Queldashi forces thus far. But, even the Lords of Moradin grows impatient regarding the strategic positioning that Dallenvale holds. Soon, Dallenvale and its people may face an opposition too strong for their charming mannerisms to defend against. If Dallenvale falls, the last beacon of freedom in the Iron Realms may be lost forever.   Now, when the unity of man is on the brink of destruction, the minds of men remain oblivious to the impending danger that faces the Iron Realms. Creatures never before seen by the realms of man have begun to appear. Forces long thought forgotten are beginning to resurface. Noticeable shifts in nature have begun to shake the world as man knows it. Divine patrons that once communed with their followers, have now gone silent. Those far reaches, are beginning to feel a lot closer than before.