Zreik Species in Vasea | World Anvil


The Zreik are a birdlike race from the Trenlodge province.

Basic Information


The Zreik are a humanoid race that resemble birds, more specifically flightless birds. Their arms are attached to wings however they are still fully functional, even if they are incapable of flight. They are completely covered in feathers as well and have both taloned hands as well as feet though not as severely.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Zreik are an egg bearing race.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg, Hatchling, Fledgling, Adult.

Ecology and Habitats

They are native to Trenlodge.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They primarily consume seeds, nuts, grains, and fish.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Zreik are very communally minded, calling their groups aviaries. They are very protective of them and choose leading councils, these are comprised of the strongest, smartest, and/or most capable members of the aviary.

Facial characteristics

The Zriek have very humanoid features save for their beaks and the feathers that are interspersed in their hair. Their beaks resemble that of the bird they take after as do their feathers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While they have a presence across the empire they are still primarily found in Trenlodge.

Average Intelligence

Imperial average.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

In some cases enhanced speed.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Beauty is mainly measured by the cleanliness, and orderly nature of one's appearance.

Gender Ideals

Masculinity is defined by ability to provide for one's family as well their attention to the needs of their nests and responsibilities. Feminine nature is defined by one's motherly instincts, home keeping abilities, and attention to familial responsibilities.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship among the Zreik focuses on one's home keeping abilities, the stability and the orderliness of one's home. This is because family is of the utmost importance to them.

Relationship Ideals

A partnership of support where one duties are swapped every few days to prevent burnout or exhaustion.

Average Technological Level

Imperial average.

Common Dress Code

The Zreik tend to be very formal, preferring well kept clothing that is properly fitting but does not interfere with their feathers or wings.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Zreik culture focuses on family and community above all. They are a relatively serious bunch that tend towards logic and practicality, sparing little time and concern for 'frivolous' pursuits. Craftmanship and skill are points of pride and one's work is to be taken seriously.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Zreik are often regarded as cold or harsh, due to their no nonsense natures. This has led to rather tense but stable relations with most.
160 Years
Average Height
Five to six feet.
Average Physique
It honestly depends on the bird they resemble, a penguin presenting Zriek is likely to be stockier than an emu, were as an ostrich is likely to be taller than a road runner. That is not however always the case.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Zriek's coloration is based on the bird they present as. A penguin for example will be primarily black and white in coloration. Their skin which is only visible on their hands and faces are the same color and pattern as their feathers.
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