Zarkel Species in Vasea | World Anvil


The Zarkel is a species of predator that is extremely dangerous because of its ability to hunt both on land and in the water. They tend to keep on a hunt until they win, are gravely wounded, or they find more interesting prey in their path.

Basic Information


The Zarkel are a large quadrapedal creature resembling a large wolf in form. They have long spiked tails, webbed paws, sharp fangs, and large antlers that resemble coral. Their fur is short a sleek though their mane is thick and massively fluffy.

Biological Traits

They are capable of living on both land and in the water due to their two seperarate respritory systems.

Genetics and Reproduction

Much to the relief of the people who live in the areas that Zarkel are typically found, they tend to have short lived mateing periods that result in singular pups. Their gestation period is roughly four months, or 244 days.

Growth Rate & Stages

Zarkel have four life stages:   Newborn: Lasts until they are roughly three years old. This is the stage they stay in the den and are highly protected. It is also the age, in the later stage, that they are taught how to hunt and to survive.   Adolecent: This is the stage they begin to hunt on their own but still remain with their parents. This stage generally lasts until they are 10 years old.   Adult: At this point they move on from their parents den to find a mate and a den of their own. They are profficient at hunting and build a hunting ground for themselves. Lasts until 25.   Elderly: Zarkel that reach this point are truly terrifiying as they have mastered the art of hunting and have managed to do well enough to avoid over doing such but still maintain themselves. Typically lasts until they reach the age of 35.

Ecology and Habitats

The Zarkel are classed as an invassive species as they are capable of surviving just about anywhere so long as they have sufficient food source. They do, however, prefer areas where there is both land and water access. No one is sure where they originated from.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are a carniverous species that are more than capable of hunting, killing, and devouring six full grown large adults of just about any race, and dragging more away for a later snack.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Zarkel tend to form pairs, they mate for life so when they take one they for a life long partnership with them. Elsewise they are solitary after reaching the adult stage of their lives.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Zarkel are often hunted to be eaten as a delicacy and for the stones that are part of them. This is because the stones are worth a lot of money to those that use magic, as they make wonderful focuses and ingredients.

Facial characteristics

Lupine faces with eyes of sea green and various shades of blue. Their most noteable feature is the beautiful irridecent stone that sits in their forheads between their antlers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Zarkel are primarily found in the province of Trenlodge and around the great lake near Etherian.

Average Intelligence

Zarkel are incredibly intelligent and cunning creatures, making hunting them a difficult process. They show complex hunting patterns including the use of simple traps.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have extrodinary senses, able to smell blood from significant distances, see near perfectly in low light and night sittuations, and hear twigs snap from as far away as they can smell. They are also capable of minor illusions.

35 years
Average Physique
They are agile and built for speed both on land and in water. Despite this thick corded muscle shows their strength and just how dangerous a hit from one can be.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They are typically various shades of blue and green that allow them to blend into the water when they dice, their manes are always darker than their body and their spikes are a lighter shade than their body.


Author's Notes

Art by Cecil and Katasawr

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