Talaxay Species in Vasea | World Anvil


Feathered air serpents, they make a name for themselves helping with the maintenance of equipment, planning, and logistics.

Basic Information


The Talaxay are feathered serpents resembling snakes at times and miniature dragons at others. They are capable of bipedal movement don't do so often preferring air travel. Their legs and arms are not very long and while they are capable of carrying things in their arms that are four times their weight they do not typically do so. Preferring to only carry things, in their arms that are twice their weight to prevent strain. They can however carry things vastly heavier, such as six times their weight, by wrapping their entire body around it. Their wings proportional to their body size with some the size of a humming bird and some the size of a raptor. While they grow yearly the largest of them as only ever reached a third of the size of the smallest dragon. The largest wingspan recorded was six feet.

Genetics and Reproduction

They are an egg laying race that reproduce much the same as most snakes.

Growth Rate & Stages

Egg, hatchling, fledgling, adult. During their Hatchling stage they begin to learn to glide though can not do so for long or very far distances. During their Fledgling stage they truly begin flight though they are still limited on distance and time spent in the air.

Ecology and Habitats

They are native to the Trenlodge Province where they have abundant access to their primary dietary sources as well as a limited number of predators. The grass lands provide ample shelter to their burrows and the scattered trees, and their peaceful neighbors, offer more than enough perches for them to rest.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite their resemblance to the common snake they are almost exclusively fruit and nut eaters. They also do not require much sustenance despite the sizes they can reach, being referred to many as dainty eaters.

Biological Cycle

The Talaxay undergo a molting period every two years to facilitate growth, this includes their wings. During this time they are susceptible to injury, infection, and illness more than any other time. As such they are typically kept and protected by their neighbors.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They typically resemble snakes of all forms.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Typically found in their home, the Trenlodge Province, they can also be found in large communities across the empire. This is in part due to the high demand for their skills as air carriers, storm sensors, manual labor for large projects, and their unique skill set for maintenance.

Average Intelligence

They are very technically minded and clever making up a higher than imperial average for intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have a biological ability to produce their own air currents and rises. They are also able to sense weather patterns and natural air currents and winds.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Talaxay take pride in the vibrancy of their coloration and appearances. This has led to the large market for painted feathers and scales as they se such things as lovely. They also adore all things shiny and consider it a mark of pride to be covered in shiny things.

Gender Ideals

Talaxay don't put much emphasis on the difference in roles or responsibilities between males and females. Though Females are often considered more vicious when it comes to protection of the home and young.

Courtship Ideals

Gifts of jewelry, shiny stones, glass shards, rings, bracelets, paints, dyes, ect. are a common staple of Talaxay courtship.

Common Dress Code

Talaxay tend to love all things shiny and so adore jewelry of all kinds. Smaller Talaxay will decorate themselves with found or bought rings and bracelets where as larger ones will often commission custom pieces to fit them.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

While the Talaxay share the same strong work ethic as their fellow denizens of Trenlodge, their culture has a strong leaning towards theatrics and grandeur. They are not necessarily artisans themselves but they are large consumers of all things artisan. They consider themselves to be amazing singers and operatic performers. Other races do not, however, have the same appreciation of their talents.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Talaxay are often given a high level of respect due to their unique capabilities and the uses they have in many different industries. This has led to astoundingly good relations with nearly every other race across the empire.
120 Years
Average Height
Roughly two feet tall when standing on their hands and feet.
Average Length
The largest was 13 feet long
Average Physique
They are covered in delicate feathers along their heads, backs and necks. Their underside instead coated in iridescent scales.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their coloration ranges wildly as they are capable of the patterns and colors of all species of bird or even snakes. Despite this however they are known to commission other races to paint their scales and feathers in various dyes and paints.
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