Ogz Species in Vasea | World Anvil


The Ogz are a generally misunderstood race that resides in the Mozesian Province.

Basic Information


The Ogz are a diverse humanoid race that varies wildly in appearance between individuals. Their common features though are their pointed ears, long lanky limbs and muscular frames.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ogz genetics are something of a mystery to most other races as they appear to vary wildly with little rhyme or reason. It is incredibly difficult to determine familial relations based on appearance because of this.

Ecology and Habitats

They are native to the eastern region of the Mozesian Province, which is rather humid and swampy. This has led to them favoring wetter climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Ogz are generally vegetarians more by choice than necessity.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Ogz tend towards a rather clan based society with hereditary leaders and positions. This is subject to change though if a unanimous decision is reached to elect and new person into power.

Facial characteristics

Their features are incredibly diverse and varied, more so than their size or their physique. Ranging from soft, round features, to features sharp enough to rival the In Progress Phenkife.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Ogz can be found in small communities throughout the empire but only truly thrive in two locations, their native home, and the ships that trade along the coasts. This is unless special greenhouse accommodations are made for them.

Average Intelligence

The Ogz as a whole are great thinkers, philosophers, and mages despite outward appearance, prejudice, and origin.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Ogz have a surprisingly good sense of hearing and sight for their appearance. They also have a strong magical potential.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

The Ogz have been credited with many breakthroughs in astrological technology and academics. They have also led to great works in the fields of agricultural irrigation systems and hydro-powered automation.

Common Dress Code

Living in the swamplands of the Mozesian Province has led them to develop many natural cloths and materials that they tend to favor. They usually wear loose fitting vest style tops with mesh paneling as well as knee length pants made of resilient, natural, and water proof cloths.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Ogz are a very peaceful, near pacifistic people that put a great amount of importance on tradition. They are known for their storytelling and their love of astrology and history. Theirs is a culture rich with traditional dances, songs, and artforms.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Ogz are often looked down upon for misconceptions and assumptions made about them based on purely cosmetic reasoning. This has led to them often being distrustful of others and secluded from the larger tapestry of the empire.
Average Height
four to seven feet
Average Physique
This varies as much as their size and other features, though they tend towards stout and stocky frames with lanky rather awkward limbs. This gives them a rather clumsy and brutish appearance to most.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their coloration ranges from hues of pale green to deep blue and every shade in between.
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