Meirmuen Species in Vasea | World Anvil


The Meirmuen is a whimsical race of daydreamers and storytellers. They primarily call the Vauxset province home.

Basic Information


The Meirmuen are a tiny sprite like people with the wings of moths and butterflies.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They are a patriarchal society with a council of elders to lead them. Elders are chosen from the oldest, wisest, and most highly renowned among them.

Facial characteristics

They often have very fine, childlike, features with large wide eyes. Giving the feel of wonder and whimsy.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are found all throughout the empire, as they aid in travel on some waterways, with farming, and with wind based technologies. They call the Vauxset province their primary home.

Average Intelligence

They are of imperial average intelligence as they spend more time dreaming up stories and playing than they do reading or learning.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Meirmuen have a level of control of the air itself, able to form currents and gusts and change the direction of it on whim.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

One's wings are of the most importance to them, with brighter and more awe inspiring patterns and colors being favored above their duller counterparts.

Common Dress Code

The brighter and more eye catching the better, they tend to borrow styles from other cultures as well mixing them into the most outlandish things they can come up with.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Meirmuen pride themselves on their ability to spin a tale. They are often found day dreaming and telling stories to anyone who will listen of mystical adventures and impossible feats. They love to socialize and to play, never considering themselves to old for make believe. Their childlike wonder and tendency to daydream and wander to unknown worlds is something of legend to other races.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

While they are well liked by most, almost none take the Meirmuen seriously as a people. This is a byproduct of the reputation they have built for themselves as childlike and their tendency towards what most others consider silliness.
85 years
Average Height
two to three feet
Average Physique
Tiny and dainty are the main ways to describe the Meirmuen.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Meirmuen tend towards pastel colored skin and vibrant, bright, and mesmerizing wings. Their wings often overshadow the rest of their appearance.
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