Anakayu Species in Vasea | World Anvil


The Anakayu is a playful race of tricksters and pranksters. They live in the Akuilin province and are known for their sharp intellect and mischievous nature.

Basic Information


The Anakayu have the upper body of the standard humanoid race but the lower body of a large cat. They also have wings, though not capable of flight.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite their feline attributes, the Anakayu are primarily vegetarian with very limited meat consumption.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Anakayu society is built much the same as a pride of lions though not gender specific. The strongest, most clever, and skilled among them takes charge as the leader and the others offer support and aide. Though they put special importance on those that look out for the young.

Facial characteristics

Anakayu typically have very feline features made up of soft but sharp lines. Their eyes are the most striking as they are sharp and incredibly expressive looking much like those of a cat. Typically limited to the same golds, greens, and blues as a cat.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While their official home is in the Akuilin Province, they tend to be relatively nomadic by nature. This has seen them spread across the empire with decently high numbers in most areas.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The Anakayu are very fond of decorating themselves with precious gems as well as rare feathers. These are seen as great enhancement of one's natural beauty. They also consider fur care and cleanliness incredibly important.

Gender Ideals

Women are considered the fiercer of predators though they do not automatically receive any form of favor instead having to earn it. They are often also the caretakers of the young. Males are more often than not the ones who offer support and aide as well management. Essentially rendering the Women as go getters and achievers and the men as management of resources and back up should it be necessary.

Courtship Ideals

The Anakayu often engage in battles of wit as a form of courtship as well undertaking the trials their proposed partner demands of them in the fields of hunting and providing for their needs and wants.

Common Dress Code

The Anakayu, much like their neighbors the Keshikh, favor elegance in their choice of clothing. Often adopting the fashions of other races that they can, though many do prefer their traditional clothing of sleeveless wrap vests adorned with feathers, beads, bone, and other materials they consider precious. This is in part connected to their courtship habitsĀ of proving they are a good hunter or provider.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Anakayu culture is a mixing pot of ideas and influences from across the world. This is because they love to explore and learn. They put special cultural interest in plays and performances as well as music as they consider them the highest forms of art. Their storytelling in renowned by many races, as is their wit and they mischievous nature. Often they like to stir up drama or play pranks on others, both for a laugh and for the sheer show they can get out of the reactions of others.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Anakayu travel often and are always willing to listen to the stories and interact with the cultures of other races, as such they are mostly on good terms with others these days.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their coloration tends to be that of large wild cats, their skin tones ranging just as wildly.
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